Post Count to leave on for .Amy.?

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Post Count to leave on for B.T.?

.....oh. Um. I'm sorry...I seem to have gotten dis...trac....ted....mmmmmmm.....

Right. What was the question again?
Post Count to leave on for B.T.?

I know here I was supposed to say... something? I don't know.

*upper brain functions engage sleep mode*
Post Count to leave on for B.T.?

Hmmm, interesting.... nice... ni-OHGAWDWHAT?

Ahem... less beef, more tenderloin, s'il tu plais.

Although I have a feeling that I'ma be hurt by some of those on the forum who like their steak... *grins*
Post Count to leave on for B.T.?

Well, it's already on that other thread and apparently you get money here for posting topless pics, so... SWEATY HIGH CALLEJA I SUMMON THEE

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