Happy Canada Day!

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I'm flying to Beijing this morning, so I'm missing the festivities, but its after midnight now, so Happy Canada to all my fellow Canucks!

I love Canadia. They keep America's head warm. Though, as Robin Williams said, it's kind of like having a loft apartment over a really great party.


Looks like I'll be drinking a Canadian tonight for the greatest country in the world!
Happy Canada day!

I'm supposed to be on my way to the festivities right now: a sunrise celebration at Signal Hill, but my ride slept in so we're going to be late for that.

Then it's down to the war memorial because today is also a day of mourning in Newfoundland. Memorial day: the anniversary of the battle of the Somme, where the Royal Newfoundland Regiment (aka "The Blue Putees") were wiped out trying to smash through German lines in the first world war.

This afternoon I'm not sure what's on. I'm so exhausted I might go home for a nap before getting together with some other friends for Canada Day celebrations in the evening.

I hope everyone else has a fun and/or relaxing Canada day (depending on how you like it!).
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