Fat WoW Girl Makin' Threats on da Webzz

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Such eloquence.

I particularly like how she added the f-word at least sixteen times every sentence. Truly, that underlines how tough and threatening she is.

And those something-jitsu moves at the end! I was quaking in my boots! (might have been ninjitsu, I couldn't really tell)
Yeah, if it were not for the single use of a personal pronoun, I would not believe that was a female. Definitely not human though. Most likely a platypus.
I think you guys are being a little unfair picking on her for being fat. I hardly noticed her excessive weight. You should pick on her for something more substantial, like being ugly or having poor grammar.


Ah, the age-old tactic of overusing the F-Bomb. I like how some people think others will feel threatened by their limited vocabulary.

Wasabi Poptart

She can get low to the ground, but can she get back up again? Good Lord! I feel skinny now.
New life goal: Get internet video of some random yahoo unintelligibly cursing me out, preferably with vague threats having to do with weapons culled from Clue.


Staff member
I can't believe someone would post that seriously. She just can't... do I have too much faith in people?
I don't know whether to answer you or just pat you on your head, give you an ice cream, and send you outside to play.


Staff member
Sad, but true. Life ain't all sunshine and unicorns humping. Sometimes, there are angry fat people that drive mini-vans and threaten bullies with jitsu
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