Fat WoW Girl Makin' Threats on da Webzz

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Best thing is, she must be as fast and quiet as a Boomer, so it's not like she'll be able to sneak up to someone and hit them with that pipe. All we gotta worry about are the wow player hordes she can summon with her bile.

Wasabi Poptart

I'm not sure she could reach someone's head with that pipe without dangerously compromising her center of balance.

I'm pretty sure she said "ninjitsu". That's not a ninjitsu block or appropriate follow up. But I imagine you're not all that surprised to hear it. :D
I thought she said jiu-jitsu.
Christ, every time it's tongue protruded during that lipsync I wanted to vomit. Disgusting.

She's seriously the female Demonius X.


Philosopher B.

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