So OnLive

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So I got invited to the onlive service thing (play full games over the internet). First off you have to have a wired connection (or bridge connections to trick OnLive into thinking you have a wired connection) and after paying the monthly fee (free for the first year for "founding members") you then have to pay to play the games ont he service, prices seem fair, about 30-40 bucks a game for the likes of assassins creed 2, Lego Harry Potter, Borderlands, etc.

I like the thought behind OnLive in theory but I don't know, the games they have on their service are guaranteed to be on there until x date (the games I've seen are june of 2013) and then after that if I guess they don't renew the contract with whoever the game goes off and if you've payed the xx amount then you're just sol I guess. I don't know, it's a good idea, but I hope it doesn't become mainstream as I don't think it's good in practice. All in all I'd say 7 out of 10 just for the ease of use and ease of getting/playing games. but I hope it doesn't stay around.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the advantage of OnLive that all computing is done in the cloud? So you can use a mac or shitty PC and still play all the latest games?
The problem with that is, the advantage pretty much disappears for each game after a couple years when what would have been high-end when it was released becomes the cheap wal-mart/costco computers. I'd rather wait until the games get into the bargain bin and run them with my next computer than pay a monthly fee for them AND full price for the game with no guarantee I'll be able to play it when I feel like it in the future.

If this were some kind of netflixesque deal where you pay the monthly fee and can access any game on its servers that you'd like, I'd consider it. As it stands now, no way.
The monthly fee is 5 a month and basically yes you have to pay to get the service then pay to play the game and if you buy a "full pass" to a game then you have access to that game until they take it off their servers. Like I said I think it's good in theory but in practice I don't like it unless I had a crappy computer and didn't own a console... Then maybe it'd be a good deal but I don't think there's a very large demographic for that in the gamer populace
I have a kickass gaming computer, and a crappy internet connection.

I don't think they're targeting this at me.
God dammit Poe, every thread I see you in now it's like you're giving me the bedroom eyes., uh, busy later?
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