Alert for Callelelleleleleja

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i bet he forgot to send him a card and is at the post office right now........


Element 117

If google were my friend, it would have said: "Wait, wait, you're googling that? Do you remember the time you googled tubgirl?" instead, Google just directed me to the 2g1cup video.

I didnt eat for days

Philosopher B.

I thought everybody knew who Richard Starkey was. Oh wells. I hope he has a good time.
"Ringo" has always made me think of this italian cookie I knew about before I knew who the beatles were. The american sports and looking actors and the kinda racist signature high five seem to be staples of their ads, check some out!



I dont read the forums out loud so the phonetic sound doesnt really matter....
But... everything you read is "read out loud" phonetically in your head, isn't it!?

That's how it is for me anyway :/
I can't read something I don't know how to pronounce without instantly researching how to pronounce it so I can continue reading... :(
Even if they sound the same in your head you can still see the spelling difference in front of you, so you should be able to tell them apart.


I guess I dont often come across things I don't know how to pronounce, but still it doesnt affect my reading it. I guess it is just a different way of processing what you read.
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