Oprah network show contest may be fixed.

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So Oprah is making her own network, right? And to get some publicity n' shit for it she's having a contest for someone to get their own show. Seems pretty cool, right?

Well the contest is, I guess over, and the guy who was in the lead somehow lost 6 million votes overnight.

link one, in which the situation is explained a little bit.

The Daily What

Look at the results page

note the first place person's number in the yellow box. Over 9 million, pretty sweet, right? now click on her page and see how many votes it says.
Jacqueline's Audition: Ray of light - OWN TV

Just over 7 million. Pretty big discrepancy, right? But maybe this page just updates after that page or something.

now go to number 7, Zach Anner. 3 million votes in the yellow box. Now click on his page.
Zach's Audition: Zach is Oprah 2 (now with wheelchair and world travel) - OWN TV

9,161,042 votes. Where did the other 6 million go?

Something stinks in Oprahvill.


While the votes were obviously faked by 4chan, much in the same light as how Bub and Bob won so many battles on Gamefaqs, the contest was always fixed.
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