Comic Con pics here!

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If any of you are at the Comic Con, try putting your pics here so we can get a thread going. Here's a few that should be relevant to this forum's interests.

Here I am with teh Kurtz.

And with Felicia Day. I got a DVD and comic signed by the whole cast of The Guild.



Used to find her attractive.

This new picture of how skinny she's gotten though?

Yeah not so much.
I'd say it's the red hair and she's approachable.
Definitely approachable. She didn't have the haughty attitude that other celebrities have. We actually had a conversation. See that blue tape on my left elbow? I'd just given blood for the Con's blood drive and we talked about that. She said she doesn't donate because it makes her woozy. Since she must weigh no more than 95 pounds, that's not surprising.
Eh, she seems cool. I don't put her on a pedestal, but I always enjoy her work in all of her projects. And yes, the red hair does make her that much cuter in my opinion.
You're at the San Diego one? Damn, get one with R.A Salvatore. :)

As far as Felicia Day. I have to admit, really not a great picture of her. She's gotten very gaunt as well.


These are awesome.
Was this your first time at the comic-con?
I've never been, how was it?
Stabbing? Where? When? [edit: Whoa, people seriously will stab somebody for a seat?] Btw, I didn't have the time to look up R.A. Salvatore but I got a pic taken with this guy instead. :-D I seriously bumped into him at random when I was going to The Guild panel. And in case you can't tell, that's Joss Whedon.

@ Musashi - I started going to the Con in 1998. It's great, but it seems to get more crowded every year. There's more exhibitors, more freebies, and more of everything.
Stabbing? Where? When? [edit: Whoa, people seriously will stab somebody for a seat?] Btw, I didn't have the time to look up R.A. Salvatore but I got a pic taken with this guy instead. :-D I seriously bumped into him at random when I was going to The Guild panel.

@ Musashi - I started going to the Con in 1998. It's great, but it seems to get more crowded every year. There's more exhibitors, more freebies, and more of everything.
You are officially the coolest Halforumite of all time.

Captain Hyperbole, AWAY!


Coincidence that her face is almost completely covered?
I thinks she meant body-wise in that picture. As for facial? I prefer her with shorter hair, then again I have a thing for the pixie cut:

Amazing what a little make-up can do:

Geek overload! Insert nose bleed anime character scene here:

Yeah this girl is a total beast:



I have developed a severe hatred for this thread.

This really is why we cant have nice things. :humph:
This is the cast of "Super," and we saw the trailer and a clip from that movie. It looks totally rad. Yeah, that's right. RAD.

And these people get a lot of geek points.

And here's another with yours truly.


Element 117

Re: Felicia day: she's cuter and nicer than most all of you. Nyaaah.

And I agree, ironbrig just took the cool 2010 award
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