Comic Con pics here!

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Haha. We actually got free pins of that portrait at the panel. I gave mine to a friend who's really into The Guild. We also saw episodes 3 and 4 from the new season. I won't spoil anything, but episode 4 is to die for.

@ Pez - So they have Youtube channels? That's pretty cool. I didn't get a chance to talk with them (needed to rush to a panel) but they were nice enough to let me get a pic.
I figured I might as well upload a couple more pics. They had some stuff related to the upcoming Thor movie.

And, just because everybody has a crush or a man-crush on him...

And yes, man crushes are still acceptable. Just make sure you don't have too many.
I was gonna put something here but then decided not to.

I keep hearing that name. Finally Googled it.

Ah, Firefly.. k.. haven't seen it. :p
You really should check out Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog as well.[/QUOTE]
Been meaning to, but for some reason can't find myself to do so.
I keep fearing it's just gonna be incredibly lame.
Like with Firefly, when things get so over-hyped by every single person out there I just know it can't live up to it. I tend to go in with a feeling of "this'll suck" instead. Making me not wanna watch it at all. Doesn't help that Firefly is promoted as a Western in space and I don't like Westerns.

He's also in the last season of Buffy.
Season 8? I haven't read that one. :/
Or do you mean Season 7? It's been a while since I last watched Buffy.[/QUOTE]

I am not a big fan of westerns and I liked Firefly, anyways might as well bite the bullet. You can't like it if you don't see it and can't think its crap if you don't seee it either. IMO go in with the expectation that it won't be a complete waste of time. I do that with alot of movies and some of the ones I think would be garbage actually didn't seem that bad(then I come here and here people complain about said movies lol) :p I didn't watch Firefly till a friend had shown it to me, I had heard about it before but it looked like a western to me so I never watched it when it first came out.

Also Dr. Horrible starts off a bit slow but its dorky fun, nothing to major but it has its charm IMO.
Firefly only has 14 episodes, so you can watch the whole thing in a week, or in two or three days if you want to do a marathon. The series was SUPPOSED to last for at least six or seven seasons, but Fox screwed it up.
It'd be my thing if the squid was covering her face.

I don't see how that at all contributed to any sort of viable chance at a discussion.[/QUOTE]

I don't see how pointing out its lack of contribution to any sort of viable chance at discussion at all contributed to any sort of viable chance at discussion, nor did my pointing out of you pointing out its lack of contribution to any sort of viable chance at discussion contribute to any sort of viable chance at discussion.


Ha! Got neg repped for "trolling" for pointing out a troll post?

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