Broaden my Horizons and Inspire me!

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If you don't mind legacy software (as in, crappy visuals :-P): Daggerfall. It's the predecessor to Morrowind and Oblivion, and has a lot more options and possibilities than a lot of people give it credit for.
I did consider this instead of my Morrowind recommendation (since the Daggerfall world is generated randomly every time you play!) but I was also concerned about how the graphics would be received. It does have one other big thing going for it. It is free for download from Bethesda's website. Get yourself DOSBox (also free) and go to town.

Terry Goodkind - Sword of Truth series (to be honest I loved the first book, liked the second, and the third made me want to slit my wrists so I stopped reading them. I think the first two in the series are worth a look at least).
He gets a bit preachy, some things get a little repetitive, sure. Try to stick with it until you finish Faith of the Fallen, quite possibly the best book of the bunch (of the ones I've read, anyway). It's very impactful, but it is even more impactful if you've read the books leading up.

Songs I find inspiring lately:

This is a cover of a Jojo song that I find really really cool, I really like the contrast between this and the original. I actually like the cover better.

And watch Religulous from Bill Maher... I've seen it two times in the last 6 months, it cracks me up AND I really do think everyone should watch that movie, maybe not take it literally but at least just watch it.


For books, I absolutely loved Daniel Abraham's The Long Price Quartet. One of the best fantasy series written in years, IMO. Up there With A song of Ice and Fire for sure.

Here's some music I enjoy a lot at the moment...

Oh, I feel kinda stupid for forgetting (re:anime): the Studio 4 C guys. Some of their work is kinda out there, but it's interesting stuff. You can find clips from their Genius Party anthology up on Youtube. If you dig it, check out Mind Game or maybe Noiseman Sound Insect, among others.
I started watching some of the movie suggestions!

I've been thinking to myself...would people be interested in me just getting on web cam or some shit and saying a short peice on each thing I experience? Tell you how inspire I feel or what I thought?

I love getting these suggestions. I fee like I should give back.
Being human, we would all like to hear about what a wonderful job we did, picking neat new stuff for you to experience. People love affirmation.

I would be interested in knowing what you've distilled/gleaned/learned from some of the suggestions. What inspiration did you get from each one?

I think the question is, upon reading Dostoyevsky, will you be able to resist going on webcam and praising my advice? No. No you will not.
-snip decemberists video-
I'm so glad someone mentioned the Decemberists. They're great.

While it isn't their best work, I highly recommend The Hazards of Love. It's a concept album that, from start to finish, tells the story of a young woman who falls in love with a shapeshifting forest prince, and how their short love affair is torn apart by a devilish Rake that desires the woman, and the controlling mother of the forest prince, the powerful Queen of the Forest.


Edit: Also, since I haven't seen many games listed, I'll go ahead and list the first one that comes to mind when I think of inspiring. It's no secret that I love all things Infocom, and one of their most thoughtful games was A Mind Forever Voyaging. It's a text-based adventure game like near all infocom titles, where the player takes control of PRISM, an artificial intelligence living inside a computer simulation that spent the first 20 years of its life thinking it was human. It's tasked with saving society, as it crumbles into riots and suicide set somewhere in the future.

Also, to keep with the music videos, an old favorite that's related:



Staff member
I think the question is, upon reading Dostoyevsky, will you be able to resist going on webcam and praising my advice? No. No you will not.

Any kind of feedback, either written or recorded on video, is a good idea. It will help you to solidify any new ideas that these experiences are giving you. :)
I'm getting through these suggestions guys!

I will be doing some video feed back soon. :) Just got get my camera charged up and reinstall premier.
This thread makes me feel guilty for not opening myself up to more things that might inspire me. And it's finally enough for me to admit it.
I have this video ready ut I can't get it to upload ANYWHERE.

You tue says it's too ig so I'm trying lip and it just sits there...for 8 hrs evev. Any ideas?
Okay. Found the problem. My file is a little over two gigs. It needs to e smaller.

Anyone know how to do this? it's an AVI file. I have Adobe Premier Pro CS3 at my disposal. I'm still really new to using it so I'll need a little help getting through it.

I swear to God...if I get this to work I'll be eternally grateful!
For now, I'll just suggest two TV shows that, unless I missed it, nobody has mentioned yet.

Spaced- two season long British comedy by Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg, Nick Frost and Jessica Hynes-Stevenson and produced by Nira Park. The same group of individuals responsible for Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz. Its great on its own, but its also fantastic to see the birth of some of the jokes from those movies.
QI- stands for Quite Interesting. Its a hilarious quiz show hosted by Stephen Fry, with a constantly rotating cast of who's who of British comedy. And you might learn something!


Staff member
Recent music I have liked:
Ok Go
The Strokes
Franz Ferdinand
Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros

I like the "indie rock" channel on Last.FM.
I have no idea what you have access to and what you've seen. If you have access to Netflix Instant, some of these become even easier to watch. I'm not listing a lot in each section, mainly the first few that come to mind.

Avatar: The Last Airbender - I'm late to this party, but just watched through it twice in the last month or so. It's my favorite cartoon, with good action, humor, and an interesting universe. All three seasons are available (or at least were very recently) on netflix instant.

Bones - We just started watching this series. Like most series, the actors take a few episodes to get their legs under them, but once they do, the behaviors I found irritating become quirky and more believable. I find some of the subject matter a bit disturbing to think of in a real world situation, yet find myself believing the situations (not the process) more than I do a show like SVU. We are halfway through the second season and we are really enjoying it.

Angel/Buffy - Vampire series done right (for the most part).


Good Will Hunting
The Shawshank Redemption
Unbreakable (Bruce Willis' best performance, IMHO)


Ishmael by Daniel Quinn


Yield (Pearl Jam) - While this isn't my favorite Pearl Jam album, it's the most newbie-friendly album they've put out to date. PJ isn't for everyone but they are the closest thing my generation has to a Led Zepplin, The Who, or Pink Floyd...a classic rock band that puts out relevant music over the course of a few decades with little change to personnel. That is, if you like rock music.

No More Kings/The Flying Boombox (No More Kings) - NMK is a cool indie band out that made a video for their song "Sweep the Leg" that featured the male cast of the original The Karate Kid and was directed by the dude that played Johnny in that movie. Their music is more pop-rock than I normally listen to but is full of pop culture and geek references. In fact, there's a song on The Flying Boombox that's called "Critical Hit" and is about playing D&D.
Okay. Found the problem. My file is a little over two gigs. It needs to e smaller.

Anyone know how to do this? it's an AVI file. I have Adobe Premier Pro CS3 at my disposal. I'm still really new to using it so I'll need a little help getting through it.

I swear to God...if I get this to work I'll be eternally grateful!
Try this. I think you may want to save it as an MP4 using Xvid or h.264 for compression; that's just a guess, though, as I don't have much experience doing video compression.
Bones - We just started watching this series. Like most series, the actors take a few episodes to get their legs under them, but once they do, the behaviors I found irritating become quirky and more believable. I find some of the subject matter a bit disturbing to think of in a real world situation, yet find myself believing the situations (not the process) more than I do a show like SVU. We are halfway through the second season and we are really enjoying it.
Stop after season 3. Trust. Me. You will be so much happier.
Okay. Found the problem. My file is a little over two gigs. It needs to e smaller.
Try this. I think you may want to save it as an MP4 using Xvid or h.264 for compression; that's just a guess, though, as I don't have much experience doing video compression.[/QUOTE]What Drifter says. SUPER is a quick front end for ffmpeg, which will shrink it down nicely. x264 has the best support right now across most platforms (Mac, PC, Linux, etc), but Xvid isn't that far behind. Youtube allows you to upload a file up to 2GB in size, but it still has to be less than 15min in length. So if you crush it down to even 1.5GB, you should be well within the limits.

According to, the average upload speed in Canada is just under 1.5Mb/sec. At that rate, uploading 1.5GB of data would take between 2.5-3 hours, and that's assuming nothing goes wrong.

Oh boy. Necro much?

When my computer crashed I lost everything. So, I re-recorded, re-edited, and did everything right!

BTW, this is super embarrassing...yet it was fun. I may do more. :)

Any comments, leave em for me. :)

PS: I can't get the ads disabled. Oh well...a few pennys for me?
My roommate just showed me this video and told me about this artist's music. The fact that this thread is back up at the top of the forum is clearly a sign:
Oh boy. Necro much?

When my computer crashed I lost everything. So, I re-recorded, re-edited, and did everything right!

BTW, this is super embarrassing...yet it was fun. I may do more. :)

Any comments, leave em for me. :)

PS: I can't get the ads disabled. Oh well...a few pennys for me?

My favorite scene:

Oh boy. Necro much?

When my computer crashed I lost everything. So, I re-recorded, re-edited, and did everything right!

BTW, this is super embarrassing...yet it was fun. I may do more. :)

Any comments, leave em for me. :)

PS: I can't get the ads disabled. Oh well...a few pennys for me?

My favorite scene:


That's another of my favorite scenes. :)
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