[Gaming] D&D Jay's Game - She's Dead Jim

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D&D Jay's Game - Helga Doesn't Approve

A couple quick questions about the terrain. Dragonborn are known to be well suited and comfortable in cold environments. That being said, is the cold in this land cold even for Dragonborn, or would i be comfortable, and are their any Dragonborn settlements nearby?
D&D Jay's Game - Helga Doesn't Approve

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Helga Stormfist, level 1
Dwarf, Fighter
Build: Battlerager Fighter
Fighter: Combat Superiority
Fighter Talents: Battlerager Vigor
Background: Oathbound Death-Seeker (+2 to Endurance)

Str 18, Con 16, Dex 10, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 10.

Str 18, Con 14, Dex 10, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 10.

AC: 18 Fort: 16 Reflex: 12 Will: 11
HP: 31 Surges: 12 Surge Value: 7

Intimidate +5, Endurance +9, Athletics +6

Acrobatics -3, Arcana -1, Bluff, Diplomacy, Dungeoneering +3, Heal +1, History -1, Insight +1, Nature +1, Perception +1, Religion -1, Stealth -3, Streetwise, Thievery -3

Level 1: Dwarven Weapon Training

Fighter at-will 1: Brash Strike
Fighter at-will 1: Crushing Surge
Fighter encounter 1: Covering Attack
Fighter daily 1: Driving Attack

Adventurer's Kit, Heavy Shield, Warhammer, Chainmail
====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======
My daily and one of my at-wills have the invigorating keywords, which means hitting with them grants me temporary hit points equal to my Constitution modifier (+3) that DO NOT STACK with other sources of temp HP, including OTHER invigorating attacks. This is especially brutal paired with my Battlerager Vigor class feature. This is all assuming I'm trained in Endurance, which I am.

Battlerager Vigor Class Feature EXPLAINED
- Whenever you hit an enemy with a melee or close attack, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier (+3) after the attack is resolved.

- Whenever you miss all targets with an attack with the invigorating keyword, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier (+3).

- When wearing light armor or chainmail, you gain +1 to damage rolls with melee and close weapon attacks whenever you have temporary hit points. This bonus increases to +2 if you're wielding an axe, hammer, mace, or pick.
D&D Jay's Game - Helga Doesn't Approve

I can't find a Tiefling image that suits what I'm going for with Tyrdin. I wish I could, because there are so many better artists out there, but I will probably just have to draw my own before Jay's game and use one of the D&D Character Builder icons to make a pog.

Gusto's strategizing! Get him!

Like I said end of last page, the new Gametable doesn't do anything; just opens an empty Java tab when I click the application after unzipping.
D&D Jay's Game - Helga Doesn't Approve

The cool thing about being a Battlerager is I can eventually get boatloads of temp HP. There's a feat I'll take soon that only works for Dwarven Battleragers, where they gain 2 more temp anytime one of the invigorating effects would grant temp.


D&D Jay's Game - Helga Doesn't Approve

I'm having the same problem with Gameboard as escushion.
D&D Jay's Game - Helga Doesn't Approve

Add in the dwarf's ability to use Second Wind as a minor and it helps make up for that missing half-Leader. ;)
D&D Jay's Game - Helga Doesn't Approve

For you, anyway :p. Guess I'll just worry about the temp HP I can pass from Energizing Strike for others, and save my Ardent Surges for anyone but the defender, Ms. Half-Leader.

Yeah, I'm definitely drawing Tyrdin myself. If I'd made a female, I'd have found a pic already, because people seem to like drawing female Tieflings... in a lot of ways. In ways I didn't know, scouring the filthy depths of DeviantArt. Did you know people like drawing Tieflings kissing Dragonborn? I didn't, until tonight. I wish I still didn't know. I wish I hadn't seen many of the horrors I saw tonight. No matter how bad my art is for Tyrdin, at least it won't hurt anyone's soul.
D&D Jay's Game - Helga Doesn't Approve

For you, anyway . Guess I'll just worry about the temp HP I can pass from Energizing Strike for others, and save my Ardent Surges for anyone but the defender, Ms. Half-Leader.
Aw hell man, you know what I mean! :p
D&D Jay's Game - Helga Doesn't Approve

I'm hoping, not at level 1, but maybe soon, someone will take a secondary class feat with a daily enc x 2 healing power, just in case, but we have that in other games too. People seem to love Majestic Word for some reason.


D&D Jay's Game - Helga Doesn't Approve

escushion, no ideas. my Dragonborn ain't kissin' no teifling. lol
D&D Jay's Game - Helga Doesn't Approve

Bad enough seeing puppet-possessed Dragonborn and half-elf/half-vampire make-out in another D&D game. Bleh...

Looking forward to reading some people's backstories!
D&D Jay's Game - Helga Doesn't Approve

My daily and one of my at-wills have the invigorating keywords, which means hitting with them grants me temporary hit points equal to my Constitution modifier (+3) that DO NOT STACK with other sources of temp HP, including OTHER invigorating attacks. This is especially brutal paired with my Battlerager Vigor class feature. This is all assuming I'm trained in Endurance, which I am.

Battlerager Vigor Class Feature EXPLAINED
- Whenever you hit an enemy with a melee or close attack, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier (+3) after the attack is resolved.

- Whenever you miss all targets with an attack with the invigorating keyword, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier (+3).

- When wearing light armor or chainmail, you gain +1 to damage rolls with melee and close weapon attacks whenever you have temporary hit points. This bonus increases to +2 if you're wielding an axe, hammer, mace, or pick.

It works exactly opposite to what you have written Gusto.


Staff member
D&D Jay's Game - Helga Doesn't Approve

Here's my char-sheet assuming you can download it. ALSO, pics of Falagar!


Yes, that's Jim Darkmagic. But his appearance best suited Falagar, to me. Don't let Jim's pre-existing personality get in your mind though. He's similar, but Falagar's going to have a more gung-ho cockiness to what he does. Maybe the same level of incompetence. And of course, don't forget the Bruce Campbell voice. If only I could imitate that.

His pog (He wears purple robes with a gold trim):

Backstory to come.


Info for others:

Real Name: William Nebyl (adopted the name Falagar)

Familiar: Tiny Gelatinous Cube named Bloby. (That's one 'b', pronounced Bloh-bee.)
[Tiny Gelatinous Cube - Inactive: 5 Acid Resistance // Active: Can consume nonliving organic material at a rate of 1 pound per minute + Is/Can Be Invisible]

Fairly high monster knowledge checks for obvious reasons. Will hoefully come into play a bit.

At-Will: Phantom Bolt - Slide 1
At-Will: Thunde Wave - Close Blast 3x3
At-Will: Scorching Burst - Area Burst 3x3

Pretty much has his bases covered; a single, a close-range, and a ranged burst.

Enc: Skewering Spikes (3 targets within 5) [Jay, I know the flavor text is metal spikesare conjured, but that's retarded. Mine will shoot from the ground from whatever terrain is present.]
Enc Tome: Charm of Misplaced Wrath (Slide 3, Target makes attack against adjacent creature.) [I would play this as goading a sentient enemy or maybe putting the scent of a natural enemy on the other creature for a non-intelligent enemy.]

Fun to have a wizard without Burning Hands for once.

Daily: Summon Dretch [Playing it as a creature he caught and has in a crystal or something.] [Cue Pokemon theme.]
Daily Book: Sleep

I'm gonna have some fun when we hit level 2.
D&D Jay's Game - Helga Doesn't Approve

My daily and one of my at-wills have the invigorating keywords, which means hitting with them grants me temporary hit points equal to my Constitution modifier (+3) that DO NOT STACK with other sources of temp HP, including OTHER invigorating attacks. This is especially brutal paired with my Battlerager Vigor class feature. This is all assuming I'm trained in Endurance, which I am.

Battlerager Vigor Class Feature EXPLAINED
- Whenever you hit an enemy with a melee or close attack, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier (+3) after the attack is resolved.

- Whenever you miss all targets with an attack with the invigorating keyword, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier (+3).

- When wearing light armor or chainmail, you gain +1 to damage rolls with melee and close weapon attacks whenever you have temporary hit points. This bonus increases to +2 if you're wielding an axe, hammer, mace, or pick.

It works exactly opposite to what you have written Gusto.[/QUOTE]

Well then explain it to me, because I was so confused that I searched the internet several times and read through a copy of Martial Power.

EDIT: And the language is pretty explicit. I copied the Battlerager Vigor text verbatim.

EDIT AGAIN: Okay I see what happened here. The text in Martial Power is different from the description in Character Builder, which is the description of it that I copied. All I looked up in Martial Power was what "invigorating" meant as a keyword.

Based on what we've seen before, I can only assume that the rules for Battlerager have changed and UPDATED in the CB and obviously not in the Martial Power supplement. And Huggs is right - the description as given in MP is basically the opposite of what it is now in CB.

But I will defer to Jay's judgment.
D&D Jay's Game - Helga Doesn't Approve

If we're not gonna be playing Shawn's game tonight I will probably dedicate that time to getting my story done.
D&D Jay's Game - Helga Doesn't Approve

Ah yes... my bad guys...go here and download the new version of Gametable: The Gametable Project (OSU-gt) | Download The Gametable Project (OSU-gt) software for free at SourceForge.net

Install it then use the download in my first post to overwrite the Java file as the fix only affects that Java client and not the entire install. This fix provides JPEG compatibility which is essential to me. Kindly confirm to me when you have it done. I'd also like to run a test to make sure everything is working with someone if possible.

A couple quick questions about the terrain. Dragonborn are known to be well suited and comfortable in cold environments. That being said, is the cold in this land cold even for Dragonborn, or would i be comfortable, and are their any Dragonborn settlements nearby?
Dragonborn are generally no different than humans (mechanically) when it comes to the cold and as far as I know have no distinct advantages unless they take the racial cold breath ability to which perhaps we could arrange a game rule to provide you a slight bonus to the cold. Basically, they'll need to wear clothes (and at times LAYERS) and have a strong Endurance roll as it’ll play a HUGE roll in my game in and out of combat.

Did you know people like drawing Tieflings kissing Dragonborn? I didn't, until tonight. I wish I still didn't know. I wish I hadn't seen many of the horrors I saw tonight.
I LOLed hard. Nice….
I’m pretty sure I got a few male tiefling pogs amongst my 2215 total pogs or so I picked up….

As far as the character stuff goes, if there’s no game tonight, I’ll scout out the character sheets that have been sent to me to view them into more detail. What was the big issue about the battlerager exactly?

Oh and Doom, I know you’re rolling a Wizard but I need to talk to you about magic missile… I know they granted them to be auto-hits but goddamn that sucks the life out of turns and I’m not fond of them. “Ya I do Magic Missle… blah blah damage*. I’d like them to be rolled with the same modifier you have for all the other abilities. If I give you permission to roll them with a special dice that gives +1 max damage dice (aka: 1d5 instead of a 1d4) would you feel this would be a fair compromise?
D&D Jay's Game - Helga Doesn't Approve

The deal with the battlerager is that they've changed the rules on it since Martial Power came out. So I have te most recent version of it, whereas it was much different in the Martial Power supplement that HC was referencing.

Here's what you basically have to know:

1) If I hit with an attack, I gain 3 temporary hit points.
2) If I hit with an invigorating attack (which will be clearly labeled in my macros), I gain 3 temporary hit points THAT STACK WITH OTHER SOURCES OF TEMP HP.
3) If I MISS with an invigorating attack, I still gain 3 temporary hit points with the same stacking as in 2).

Example: I attack with Crushing Surge, an attack with the invigorating keyword.

HIT: I resolve the attack, and gain 6 temporary hit points (rules 1 and 2)
MISS: I gain 3 temporary hit points (rule 3)


And Jay, Doom didn't take Magic Missile. ;)
D&D Jay's Game - Helga Doesn't Approve

Wow. I'll have to take a long look at that and gauge things in terms of balance. As far as I know the rules always clearly stated that Temp HP never stack unless it specifically states it does. If this was changed, it's news to me. I'll have to 411 that tonight.

No magic missle? What a Falatard.
D&D Jay's Game - Helga Doesn't Approve

As far as I know, Invigorating attacks with Endurance training are the only way this works. The +3temp on any hit and the +3temp on an invigorating miss are specific to the Battlerager Fighter build.

And it'll increase with my Constitution, and a feat that I'll take probably next level or definitely by level 4.

And I dunno if it's a gamebreaking balance thing either; my character is basically built with survivability being the number one priority. I don't have a massive bonus to-attack and my skills are pretty shitty. *shrug*
D&D Jay's Game - Helga Doesn't Approve

I don't have an issue with it as long as the definition of Temp HP is properly understood. I did some research right now and came up with a good explanation:

Okay, there's a LOT of misunderstandings of how this is working here. It's really simple, but it's being needlessly overcomplicated.

You have Temp HP's that are granted from various sources, one of those being Battlerager Vigor. Temp HP's do not stack. So if you have 4 temp HP and you're hit by a melee attack for 2 damage, and you would gain 4 Temp HP from BV (with 18 CON) then you would have a total of 4 Temp HP since they don't stack.

The only new thing here is that Invigorating powers grant Temp HP that stacks with any Temp HP you already have. So assuming you have 4 Temp HP and then hit with an Invigorating power, you gain 4 Temp HP that stack with the Temp HP you already have. So now you have 8 Temp HP. Not 4 of one kind and 4 of another, it's just 8 Temp HP and they follow the normal rules of no stacking except when an Invigorating power is used.

So if you have 8 Temp HP from any source and then you get hit for 2 damage, you will have 6 Temp HP. You will then gain no Temp HP because you already have more temp HP than you'd be gaining. If you then attack with an Invigorating power, it will grant 4 Temp HP that will stack with the Temp HP that you already have, thus giving you 10 Temp HP.

Invigorating powers only stack on top of what you already have. So once they added into your Temp HP pool they are just like any other Temp HP you had.
The explanation makes a lot of sense. I could easily accept this only because I'll build encounters to specifically avoid falling into this loophole. I could create minions with high damage that will dwindle the Temp HP pool or focus on more ranged foes that simply will avoid this issue altogether. There are also other strategies that I won't reveal. Overall, this is nothing to worry about.
D&D Jay's Game - Helga Doesn't Approve

Right exactly.

But I don't know if you need to go out of your way to make things more difficult for me just because I'll have a sort of temporary Regen effect going on. I can totally picture circumstances where combat ends and all my temp fades, and I am completely bloodied. It's almost like a Barbarian's Rage in that way, I imagine...

But I don't think you need to change encounters for the sake of killing me, certainly not this early in the game. See how things work out first and then adjust.
D&D Jay's Game - Helga Doesn't Approve

HC has been kind enough to point out to me that a Craghammer has all the same properties as a Warhammer but ALSO has Brutal 2. :) I'll be using that for my weapon now instead of a Warhammer. :)


D&D Jay's Game - Helga Doesn't Approve

Since I'm more used to building fighters than spellcasters, I figured I'd see if I could get any input. Is there anything specific you guys thing I should look into, skill or power-wise?
D&D Jay's Game - Helga Doesn't Approve

Your feat should Implement Expertise.

Take the Heal skill if you can.


Staff member
D&D Jay's Game - Helga Doesn't Approve

lol, I didn't take Magic Missile because of the auto-hit, PLUS it's just a boring attack imo. Its range is nice, but Phantom bolt is basically the same thing, plus a slide.

While I was DMing, I put as much terrain fun as possible in every single encounter, and the wizard's phantom bolt having a slide made for so much entertaining combat. Throw a troglodyte off a ledge here, send a hobgoblin into a trap there...

Personal note: Terrain with lots of detail and opportunities for fun attacks (holes, ledges, etc) are how I have fun in an encounter. Remember Serin sliding that creature into the oil river, then Adia lightning bolting it to do massive damage AND set the river on fire? I love that shit.
D&D Jay's Game - Helga Doesn't Approve

A craghammer is a weapon I get to use wit my Dwarven Weapon Proficiency feat.

It's 1d10 Brutal 2, which means I reroll 1s and 2s until I get 3 or higher, which means for me 1[W] = 1d8+2.


Staff member
D&D Jay's Game - Helga Doesn't Approve

Eh, maybe. I promise I'm not copying him =P I just needed an image of a character, and I can't google "Jackass Wizard" really, so I thought of the only one I knew off-hand. =P
D&D Jay's Game - Helga Doesn't Approve

But the personality really, really sounds like Jim Darkmagic, even if the background (monster hunter) sounds different. You can probably make it your own and the monster hunter angle sounds quite interesting; I'm just telling you from what you're typing. Not really any fault on your part--wizards by nature are somewhat arrogant anyway, I'd assume.


D&D Jay's Game - Helga Doesn't Approve

Okay Jay, I Downloaded Gametable, and I'm pretty Sure i successfully downloaded and extracted the file from your first post.
D&D Jay's Game - Helga Doesn't Approve

I put gametable up for people to connect and test their connection over the next day or so. Let me know if you see the JPEG images as well.
Port : 6812
Password: halforums


D&D Jay's Game - Helga Doesn't Approve

I'm not connecting. What could be wrong?
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