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So ...I'm off for 3.5 weeks to Nova Scotia to stay at my father's house and just wanted to pop in and say I probably won't be checking here much because I may not have much access to the internet !!!...

Now that I've got all the summer's drama with this divorce over with I figured it would be a good idea to get away and clear my head before coming home to start working and going back to normal . I haven't seen my father since my wedding in Feb 2006 and I haven't seen my brother's since 2004 so it's about time I get my butt out there to spend time with them !!!. I found out also my divorce will be final as of Dec 1st and earlier if my medicare card comes in so that's fantastic news. I don't know if I had a chance to post on here but we agreed that I would pay off half the car and keep it as well so I really feel at the end of all this divorce BS that he stepped it up and has given me a really great shot to start over . So this is good and I'm really excited now about all the good things to probably come in the next year as I rebuild....Thanks again for all your support It helped me imensly !

Anyway.... I love how going to the maritimes can always enhance your mood. I will make sure to try to take some cool pics to post on here although I'm not that great at it lol ...I hope you all have a wonderful end of the summer :)


Land In Halifax then drive 3.5 hours to Salmon River NS about 30 minutes from Yarmouth.... Thanks I will for surely have a good time !!!! And I will have Salmon for you Chaz......With muscles and lobster and all that yummy seafood stuff .... My only one worry about this trip is my dad is living with this new woman who has 2 kids and one girl is 16 and never leaves the house....I will be running away every morning My Brother's and dad go to work so i can be on the beach instead of watching her mope! ... What is it these days with mopey people ? I have a bff who mopes and a mother who mopes yet I'm the one in a divorce and I laugh and smile all day long !!! I don't get this !

Anyway Leave Monday morning but won't be around much starting friday ! Ill check in to see whats going on on here till then.

---------- Post added at 07:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:08 AM ----------

OH SHIT SON ! I just noticed your shark is packing a grill lol ! hahhaha that made me laugh :)


Just popping in to say Hello ....I'm loving Nova scotia and I am here until Sept 7th ....Probably a good thing since Earl is about to kick our asses over here!

I'm in Yarmouth , Anyway just wanted to pop in and say hi and let you all know i haven't forgotten about you . With two younger stepsisters age 11 and 16 and two brothers aged 15 and 19 ....It's kinda hard to get to the computer. I finally today woke up early enough to get it first lol !

All is well I'm feeling great and relaxed slightly tired from all the family parties but doing well still positive and happy so that's a good thing. How is everyone on here doing? Gee I tell ya the summer flew by ....Id like to redo it lol !

Well yeah so that's it. I'm alive lol !
Thanks, I suspect Darkangel is ok as well. The storm was supposed to hit her location hard then travel up the west side of NS. Instead it shifted east and hit land just south of Halifax and ran a parallel course to the major highway across the province. One dead so far and many thousands still without power. But all in all not that bad of a storm.


Well I'm home and Yep as HC said Earl missed us...We were all a little peeved about it ........Considering I was out in the middle of nowhere a hurricaine is big excitement lol. Leaving was a little rough on my youngest brother but I've tried to talk to him almost everyday since I left.

I'm exhausted and haven't spent much time at home ....I sleep out at my special friend's house alot lol so even now that I'm home computer time seems limited. Have been looking for jobs like crazy since saturday and haven't found anything yet but I'll just keep applying and praying something pops up soon. Found out my ex is going to afghanistan on Oct 6 th and well now he's been super super super sweet which just makes me wanna avoid sleeping at home as much as possible this way he can't call to try to make me feel bad.

I don't have much of anything new and I suppose I could post some pics from Vacation I'll do that in a lil bit on the pic thread. Sorry to hear that Earl Hit Halifax hard ......We really needed the rain in our area and didn't get much of anything.

Anyways I'm back now I'll make sure to pop in on days where I actually sleep here . Glad everyone is doing well kinda sad that the summer is over's becoming cold and rainy and I shudder to think of winter......Anyhoo that's all for now :)

---------- Post added at 06:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:54 AM ----------

Glad to hear things are going well! :)
They are going awesome :) How are you doing? Still waiting on that email ....You need anything over there? Remember you need anything let me know...Hang tight and be tough :) Glad to see u find time to post here still xo
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