Labor Day Shmabor Day

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So in the USA today, it's Labor Day.. most people take the day off and go barbequing, to the coast, lake, etc etc.

I'm working.. for at least part of the day (hey all my good computer stuff's at work, not at home anyway!) ..

So are you at work, at home, planning to go out today, or WHAT?!


I would have been at work earning a little extra money b/c I had switched a shift with someone, but then I hurt my back and have had to take a week off work without pay so I'm actually sitting here doing nothing for now :( And earning much less b/c I took the week without pay since I don't get sick pay or anything like that. Doh.


Staff member
I'm at home, but I'm working. I'm writing a song about animals for the kids and preparing my lesson plans to show at the second cohort meeting this Wednesday.
We have a similar holiday today in Canada, its called Labour Day.

I'm at home, "prepping" for my first day of class of my final year tomorrow. (Read: playing videogames and watching movies because this is the very last day of my very last summer vacation). Some people are coming over later to barbeque, apparently.
I spent the day inventorying my Aidstation, putting together a POSH (Prevention Of Sexual Harassment) class, watching AFN and breathing leaded fuel fumes. No body I know has been injured in almost a week so today was a good day.


I kinda had my day off last night.. went to Detroit Lake last night, found a spot where the water has receded a good ways (the lake is created by a dam, which appears to have been opened already) and my friend and I made a campfire. Our trip was pretty spontaneous, we were only anticipating going to Niagara Park (Oregon) .. but we wound up having a campfire, hotdogs (thanks to a store nearby) and roasted marshmallows, and enjoyed the OH MY GOD beautiful stars last night... also found out that Uranus and Jupiter are aligned and are the brightest object-appearing-as-one star in the sky right now, and it was AWESOME! ... not sure what I will do with the rest of my day yet.
I'm hitting the ole bar tonight with some cohorts, that's all. Otherwise, today is lazy day maximum.

Wasabi Poptart

Headed to the zoo with the kiddies and trying not to think about how my husband's probably going to leave for his deployment at the end of this week.



(aka fixing another department's mistakes in order to please the client)

not really 'labour'-ing here just clicking a mouse.
I'm all partied out man, and these dog allergies from last night are making me really sluggish today.
Slept in, filled out my passport application and figured out what classes I want to take for my study abroad to Prague next semester and wrote out some questions for the international adviser on Wednesday. I should study some cases for one of my finance classes but I'm having a hard time getting motivated for that. Later on I'll get on WoW and level to 60. I want my dang flying mount.

For dinner tonight we're having my dad's awesome ribs, tater salad, and cole slaw. His girlfriend is coming over with an apple pie and a couple other friends will be joining us. Should be a good time all around.
slept in, had candy for breakfast, thinking I should probably get cracking on some homework at some point tonight that's due tomorrow.
I replaced the motherboard in my dad's laptop because he cooked the old one into oblivion (he left it running on a soft surface where it got no airflow).

I then spent hours trying to figure out why certain keys on the keyboard wouldn't work. Reflashing the bios helped but there still some keys being stupid... so I plugged in a USB keyboard so I could actually type. Oddly enough, all the keys on the laptop started working properly after this and are still working after unplugging the USB keyboard. So very confusing... but I suppose since it all works now it's good.

Philosopher B.

I barely remember what I did yesterday. Fucked around mostly. And raged inwardly about Michael Crichton's Travels.
Ah my paid holiday yesterday. I get no vacation time so site closings and weekends are the only days I don't work.

I went and helped a friend move some furniture and then kicked around a soccer ball on an old tennis court with some friends, then ate Mexican food before going to see Scott Pilgrim. Good day.
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