The Scar Thread

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The Scar Threard

I didn't know if I should mention the fact that i have no actual bones in my nose (it's all cartilage) due to my father sticking a soldering iron to my nose when i was 2 years old. There's no actual 'scar' left, but my nose is permanently crooked because of it.
The Scar Threard

I don't have any scars.

I do have a few cuts that are still here even though it has been like 6 months but I am assuming those will go away shortly cause I have had lot worse cuts/etc in the past and they have all healed with no sign of scarring.
The Scar Threard

This thread has made me realize that I was very lucky and/or sheltered as a kid. So I added something to mine that isn't real, try to guess what it is!


Philosopher B.

The Scar Threard

I'm relatively free of nasty stuff ... except the 'on' button on my shoulder. It's pretty noticeable. Well, it would be if I wasn't a pasty white boy who never takes off his shirt.

I used to have the nastiest diagonal scar on my left leg, below the knee, having scraped it on a metal pole at which horseshoes were thrown. After a certain amount of years it disappeared, though. Actually, it looked of cool. :(
Nothing too bad. The worst was the 6 stitches in the leg from falling off the frame of a camper. Parents had to hold me down while the doctor put in the stitches.



here's mine.. took a while to edit everything in.. I think I got pretty much everything..


The Scar Threard

surprised noone's commented on my 3rd and 4th nipples yet...


Not to many most aren't hugely visible or noticeable. The cleft lip one was the major one but after ~15 surgeries I have had people not notice who I have worked with for several months until I mention it.
You've got the makings of a good Bond villain, Matt.
Will give this a try later, if things work out. Been meaning to install Photoshop for a while now.



A scar can be an injury (and doesn't have to be physical either) that has lasting impact.


Staff member
The Scar Threard

I didn't know if I should mention the fact that i have no actual bones in my nose (it's all cartilage) due to my father sticking a soldering iron to my nose when i was 2 years old. There's no actual 'scar' left, but my nose is permanently crooked because of it.
:'( God.
Let's see, calloused knuckles from practicing on the punching bag, scar from stitches in my right palm, slice scar above thumb on right palm, scars from bandsaw on left index knuckle and left middle finger, burn scar from oven rack just above right wrist, mystery scar across left forearm, pencil point dot on right temple, chickenpox scars on belly, round scar on left calf from falling on a knitting needle. And of course the massively damaged area I'm being treated for now.


Staff member
Why does this meme set off my conspiracy theory bells and alarms? Next we'll have a dental record meme and a tattoos meme.

My biggest scars are on my elbows and knees from hitting the pavement at about 40 MPH in a motorcycle accident. Amazingly, lost skin was my only issue.


You've got the makings of a good Bond villain, Matt.
Will give this a try later, if things work out. Been meaning to install Photoshop for a while now.

I forgot a few that I just now remembered (I've hit my head a few times!) ..
* multiple cat scratches on hands - why I hate siamese cats!
* dented in top of my head from flipping over my bike and landing head first onto asphalt
* hammer fell on my head in same spot
* chipped tooth from jumping off a shed roof when a kid
* scar on my knee from kindergarten
* scar on the inside of my upper lip from an older kid kicking me in the face in kindergarten

**(reuploaded pic)**
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