Sunday - Sept 19th is Talk Like A Pirate Day

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Matt² too.. if'n it weren' for a landlubber's paper on Yahoo, me crusty barnacles woulda missed it. yar!


Staff member
Yarrr, bring me mead as cold as a witch's teat and lasses as hot as th' bakin' sun, or I'll keel-haul the lot of ye an' make shoes of yer mangy hides!
Avast, me hearties! This be the day for pillagin' and plunderin'. Back in the Golden Age, plunderin' was a good honest trade! We used to sack the Dago towns every day, and twice on Sundays!


Arr indeed. Man I miss pirate day at the preschool. All the little mateys in their best pirate garb. Avast ye it was a swashbucklin good time.
Well ifin' y'all ain't a buncha tender footed city slickers then I don't know what. Just look at them fancy hats and puffy shirts there. Don't y'all mind me though. I reckon I oughta be hittin' the trail there soon. Y'all take care now.


Staff member
Yarrr, curse be on th' almanac-makers fer mistakin'ly landin' this fair day on a weekend. For surely 'twould've been grander still to have this day on a weekday, so I could run a class like this.
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