Withdrawal Symptoms? (Sugar vs HF Corn Syrup)

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I bought a case and a half of soda last weekend for my office:

1 case of the newly reformulated Sierra Mist with actual sugar
1 12 pack of Pepsi Throwback with actual sugar

All this week I've been drinking one or the other.. I've had to accustom my tongue to the "diet" seeming aftertaste of the sugar after so many years of the corn syrup and as such I don't think I've been drinking as much (even on my diet) that I had been. However, each day I've been noticing I've been having headaches!

Could this be a withdrawal symptom of not having the high fructose corn syrup?
Withdrawal Symptoms?

I'm no biochemist, but it seems unlikely. Regular sugar (sucrose) is 50% fructose. The HFCS used in sodas is 55% fructose. A 5% difference doesn't seem like it would have a huge impact, unless you've been CONSUMING MASS QUANTITIES.
Withdrawal Symptoms?

I'm guessing it's the caffeine, this alkaloid acts like a diuretic, stimulating the formation of uric crystals in the bloodstream making you pee often and dehydrating your body and brain in the process. Reduce the amount of soda you drink and take up water instead, this should stop the constant headaches.

Caffeine also decreases the size of your blood vessels, after prolonged consumption your body and specifically your brain acclimate to the new size of these vessels. When you stop drinking caffeinated beverages, they return to their normal size and cause a strain when flowing through the brain - this may contribute to your headaches, but again, drinking water should reduce them in frequency and intensity.

Since I'm no biologist, I must make the disclaimer that could be talking outta my ass.

Wasabi Poptart

Withdrawal Symptoms?

I was going to suggest that it's the caffeine, also.
Withdrawal Symptoms?

As was I. Especially if you are combining the increased pop consumption with any usual amount of tea/coffee/vivarin/etc.

Withdrawal Symptoms?

If you're not drinking as much as you used to, the caffeine is likely the culprit. I've gotten then many times before. If I go periods with excessive coffee intake (ie: before a big portfolio or animation is due), than when I get back to a more acceptable 2 cups a day, I get massive headaches. But it sorts itself out after about two weeks.


Withdrawal Symptoms?

Did they change sierra mist completely or is it just a new kind?


Withdrawal Symptoms?

Did they change sierra mist completely or is it just a new kind?
in Oregon, it's totally changed over to real sugar. I spoke with a Pepsi employee, who stated that Oregon is a test market, so.. it may NOT be everywhere yet, but it will say on the bottle if yours is.

However, the fact that they've changed EVERYTHING on Sierra Mist, not just 12paks, but 2 liters, 12paks AND Cubes, that means it's a permanent change and it's going to be around a long time. (according to the Pepsi employee)
Withdrawal Symptoms?

Maybe they'll bring back Crystal Pepsi next.
I have been hoping for that for years. I don't know anybody else who liked Crystal Pepsi as much as I.

Pepsi Max, I remember being a big hit, but I always prefered my Pepsi Crystal.

I just recently found that Coca Cola has brought back Coke Vanilla and Cherry Coke, although its still kind of hard to find. Even so, this has brought me great joy.
Withdrawal Symptoms?

Did they change sierra mist completely or is it just a new kind?
in Oregon, it's totally changed over to real sugar. I spoke with a Pepsi employee, who stated that Oregon is a test market, so.. it may NOT be everywhere yet, but it will say on the bottle if yours is.

However, the fact that they've changed EVERYTHING on Sierra Mist, not just 12paks, but 2 liters, 12paks AND Cubes, that means it's a permanent change and it's going to be around a long time. (according to the Pepsi employee)[/QUOTE]

They are doing the same test out here in Ohio. It honestly seems like they are testing low income areas to see if real sugar is as addictive as HFCS.

Considering the fact that the Throwback campaign has become highly successful and most supermarkets now import limited quantities of cola from ether Canada or Mexico (to cater to the tastes of the immigrant community), it's entirely likely that the cola companies are starting to realize that consumers want real sugar, even if it costs more.


Withdrawal Symptoms?

consumers want real sugar, even if it costs more.
Hey, not all of us. I don't want real sugar drinks even if they cost less. I think they are revolting. Obviously I don't care if they have both but Ill be pretty bummed if they switch completely to sugar.
Withdrawal Symptoms?

That's just it. It's getting so that real sugar doesn't cost more. What with the gov't mandate that more corn has to be converted to ethanol to be Our Fossil Fuel Savior, the price of corn is rising to the point where mfrs are switching back just because the increased cost of corn + sway in public opinion = easier to just go back to sugar. Now the argument is gonna change to be about whether it's beet sugar v. cane sugar.



Withdrawal Symptoms?

Beets me! .. uhh.. what's the difference between beet sugar and cane sugar?


I don't think Cherry Coke has been "gone" as far as I can remember, but it can be harder to find than I would like. I know a few Wal-Mart stores around here don't carry it, but most other chain supermarket do.
Cane sugar has the faint odor and flavor of molasses/rum/caramel. Beet sugar has more of a faint fruit/vegetable taste (candied carrot, sweet potato, butternut squash). Reactions vary, I usually can't tell unless there's plenty of it in a container. I've also noticed that beet sugar is worse about reacting with Rubbermaid containers* than cane sugar.

*Something about white sugar. It reacts with Rubbermaid plastic to generate a strong odor, almost like alcohol/kerosene/ketone. Weird.
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