WoW currency system revisions posted

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Blizzard can kiss my 80 Prot Pally's light-loving, lily-white ass. I miss being able to solo Vanilla/TBC content. I died in Ramps tonight, on trash. Time to take all of that caster heirloom gear and roll a mage.
Blizzard can kiss my 80 Prot Pally's light-loving, lily-white ass. I miss being able to solo Vanilla/TBC content. I died in Ramps tonight, on trash. Time to take all of that caster heirloom gear and roll a mage.
I have yet to try tanking a dungeon, but is it really that bad? I am rather surprised since with Sanctuary going towards defense cap I found mostly a boost in all my other avoidance stats.
I'm playing again, and my mage kicks so much ass.
Mages are downright crazy right now, arcane I hear is pulling out nearly double or even triple the DPS just spamming Arcane Blast. D: They will even out a bit more once the next patch hits and even more once people start leveling to 85, but it still is insane. I hear Balance Druids and Warlocks are also pretty nuts right now.
I didn't get to play around much with my druid last night, but from what I've heard you're right. I have a feeling mages are going to be the new FOTM until cata hits and people get to 85. They seem to be the kings right now.
Too bad about mages rocking now. The ones in my main guild suck.

Also my hunter was hitting with feathers last night. Easily doing half my autoshot damage.
Blizzard can kiss my 80 Prot Pally's light-loving, lily-white ass. I miss being able to solo Vanilla/TBC content. I died in Ramps tonight, on trash. Time to take all of that caster heirloom gear and roll a mage.
I have yet to try tanking a dungeon, but is it really that bad? I am rather surprised since with Sanctuary going towards defense cap I found mostly a boost in all my other avoidance stats.[/QUOTE]

The main problem I've found (once I got a decent rhythm going for a rotation) is a lack of AoE for more than 3 mobs at a time, and a drop in overall damage dealt. I was able to easily handle H Ramps with my fiancee's hunter tagging along, but I really needed that DPS support to take the larger groups down before I got too many mobs on me and they ganked me. Even then though, it was pretty difficult to keep aggro off of her hunter and her cat, even with the cat's growl turned off.

Now, I haven't tried a full five man group, or even tried anything with a healer, but this is a big enough annoyance to me that it really pissed me off. Up until patch I was able to solo/tank heroics through Zangarmarsh and had managed to drop the first two bosses of MC by myself - and probably could have kept going if I hadn't been bored and tired. Hell, I accidentally dropped Doomwalker solo a few weeks ago, not knowing who he was. My biggest complaint is that, since our little "friends only guild" has only 4 members, it means there's no way in hell we're going to be able to finish off the old world raids before they disappear.

Now, I will say that once I had that hunter in with me I had very few times when I needed to use WoG to keep myself up, and I never had problems with mana. And, overall, I do think Pally tanking in WotLK was a little too easy - unless you had DPS with way too high of Gear Scores pulling aggro off of you by burning all of their cooldowns at once before mobs had a chance to run into your Cons.

If I had to postulate on what actual level 80 dungeons are going to be like, I'd say you'll be ok if you can convince the DPS to avoid blowing their big cool downs before you have a chance to build some threat. I don't think we'll be using Hand of Reckoning to pull anymore, it and Righteous Defense will be our best friends for pulling mobs off of our clothies. It is nice that at least some classes have lost their AoE spells - hunters lost volley - but we're definitely going to be headed back to the days of raid marking targets and gnashing our teeth at DPS who don't follow the order.

Now, strangely enough, Ret pallies may be more viable as off-tanks for large groups of mobs than prot pallies, because of their greater AoE possibilities with Divine Storm, especially if they're running with a big, slow two-hander like they're supposed to. It's something I played with on the PTR and it was much easier to hold and clear large groups of mobs specced Ret and wearing my tanking gear than it was specced Prot and wearing that same gear. I wouldn't want to put a retloladin in the MT slot, and they would definitely need a healer tasked just to them, but it might be interesting to play with if you can't find any other tanks to go along.

And yes, mages are insane right now. Even at the early levels they're much easier now than before.
I can see how that would be frustrating, but we may just have to wait and see how things smooth out once we get some of our new skills and learn our new skill priorities. We are going through a big change. Like we lost Sacred Shield, but gained the ability for Word of Glory to shield us.

My biggest complaint is that, since our little "friends only guild" has only 4 members, it means there's no way in hell we're going to be able to finish off the old world raids before they disappear.
The only old world raids that are disappearing are ZG (now a questing zone) and AQ20 (being converted into a 10-man I hear), and with four those should be easy to handle even with just a healer and an offtank. Did you think all the 40-mans are leaving? Because they all are remaining in the game and even got dungeon maps.
I can see how that would be frustrating, but we may just have to wait and see how things smooth out once we get some of our new skills and learn our new skill priorities. We are going through a big change. Like we lost Sacred Shield, but gained the ability for Word of Glory to shield us.

My biggest complaint is that, since our little "friends only guild" has only 4 members, it means there's no way in hell we're going to be able to finish off the old world raids before they disappear.
The only old world raids that are disappearing are ZG (now a questing zone) and AQ20 (being converted into a 10-man I hear), and with four those should be easy to handle even with just a healer and an offtank. Did you think all the 40-mans are leaving? Because they all are remaining in the game and even got dungeon maps.
They're not actually changing AQ20, they're just treating it like a 10-man raid for guild achievement purposes (need 8 to complete).
Speaking of guild achievements... Has that been implemented at all yet? I know there is guild rep listed on the rep screen, but I wasn't sure if it's been fully implemented yet.
Speaking of guild achievements... Has that been implemented at all yet? I know there is guild rep listed on the rep screen, but I wasn't sure if it's been fully implemented yet.
It doesn't look like it, yet. Probably not until the actual cataclysm release.
They're not actually changing AQ20, they're just treating it like a 10-man raid for guild achievement purposes (need 8 to complete).
Not actually correct, Pio.

What you are thinking about is how all the old raids, for guild achievement purposes, require a total of 10 players. If you notice the list posted in the same thread, Blizzard does not even consider a 20man raid to exist anymore, only 10man, 25man, and 40man. So yes, it is changing, just not on a content level.
Mages are probably going to get hotfixed a bit. It doesn't sound like Blizzard intended for every 80 mage player in existence to now be capable of 30k DPS without trying.
They're not actually changing AQ20, they're just treating it like a 10-man raid for guild achievement purposes (need 8 to complete).
Not actually correct, Pio.

What you are thinking about is how all the old raids, for guild achievement purposes, require a total of 10 players. If you notice the list posted in the same thread, Blizzard does not even consider a 20man raid to exist anymore, only 10man, 25man, and 40man. So yes, it is changing, just not on a content level.[/QUOTE]

I guess I just misread this: AQ20 tuning has not changed, it has just been reduced to a 10 player raid.
I guess I just misread this: AQ20 tuning has not changed, it has just been reduced to a 10 player raid.
What that means is they didn't need to change the content or really alter the bosses for the most part, since changes to class mechanics will probably make us pretty powerful once we hit 60 and thus equal out to what used to be the power of 20man. However, it now can only be done with 10 people. If you try to enter with 11, it will not let the 11th person into the dungeon, which is the big change.

If you want a comparison, think about UPRS. They used to allow 15 people to enter that dungeon due to the difficulty. In a later patch due to better talents and improved scaling, they made it only a 5man, but never re-tuned it because they didn't have to, we were just in general stronger at 60 then we were in vanilla.

I was incorrect about it "disappearing" though. It still technically is the same with a change in max characters allowed.
That's a lot better then. One of us will probably get left out of ZG - not sure I can take the Blood God following the patch and she was out of the instance last time I did it, but the only ones I actually need are MC, BWL, and AQ40. That makes me much happier. I'll admit that a lot of my bile about the change was that I didn't think I'd be able to get those achievements on a character I slaved for Loremaster on. I suppose I should know by now to just come to Scythe for clarifications before getting all pissy.
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