I need a laser scan gun >_>

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I am looking for a reasonable cost bar code scanner for a inventory of my dvd/game/cd collection as my insurance agent is bugging me for a list of my crap to update my home insurance rider.

anyone know a good place where a guy could buy or rent such a device?


Staff member
I haven't done this myself, but the advice I heard was to go go on eBay and look for a Cuecat. Back in the late 90s some company decided that people wanted to be able to scan barcodes off of print media and get taken to websites. The idea didn't take off, but there were a crapton of the USB scanners made (and, apparently, a PS/2 version as well). Looks like they're running about $10 - $20. I'm not sure what kind of software or modification it takes to use one, though.

There are also barcode scanning apps for various smartphones. If you have an iPhone, Android or Blackberry you might look into that.
1. Go to eBay
2. Search for "Barcode Scanner"
3. Select "Buy it now only"
4. Choose and purchase one of a million barcode scanners costing between $20 and $80 including shipping. Don't get an expensive one. For what you are doing a cheap $18 CCD USB scanner will meet your needs.
How the heck do you get banned from Paypal?
haha its kind of embarrassing, I didnt get banned by paypal, its more that when I was younger I got myself in some hot water ordering some "things" via ebay and paying via paypal...these events eventually came to the head of I am no longer allowed to use paypal to buy "things" anymore. I dont care to go into it, lets just say I appricate the help and have it all sorted out.
I got my barcode scanner of newegg. It's usb.

don't worry about special software most barcode scanners are nothing more than disguised keyboards.

Element 117

This thread would have been awesome without the word "scan" in the title.
well guys I actually managed to do the inventory by hand in a few hours over the last few nights, I thank all of you for your suggestions and help.
If you have a Smartphone, (or someone you know does), you can get a barcode scanner app on them, I don't know if you can translate that info to a list or not.
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