How do you relate to your relatives?

How do you relate to your relatives during the holidays?

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poll time!

Holidays ... love em or hate em?

---------- Post added at 11:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:06 PM ----------

My family is having a sudden, impromptu Thanksgiving tomorrow at my sisters house (the sister who most resembles a marshmallow) and I'm expected to come.. They call up the day before while I have had plans for 3 weeks, expecting me to cater to them instead. If I don't, I get the "poor us" treatment. Personally, I am sick of my family's shit at the holidays and just want to bag it.

This can't be normal, can it?
I get along really well with my immediate family but I can't stand a good portion of my extended family. Anyone else have that problem?
I get along really well with my immediate family but I can't stand a good portion of my extended family. Anyone else have that problem?
I'm usually the opposite. I get along far better with people when I don't have to live with them.
I get along well with my brothers and my mom and one of my aunts and my grandparents. I don't really keep too much contact outside of that.
The only members of my family I don't get along with would be two uncles on my mother's side: one because he's an arrogant know-it-all and the other because he's more mentally unstable than a ferret on a week-long PCP-fuelled bender
I get Aalong with everyone in my family, pretty much. I do have two crazy aunts...but they don't bother me much.

I also have a creepy Uncle. I used to look up to this guy. Thought he was awesome. Then ghe offered to do some head shots for me (his a photographer), which I accepted. The thing is, when I arrived, things got a bit...uncomfortable. To this day I don't know if I was imagining it but there were alarm bells in my head the entire time.


Staff member
I love love love this time of year because I get to hang out with my family. We're all good friends, and we're very supportive of one another. I don't agree with everything they say and do, but we all have one thing in common: No matter what our loved ones choose to do with their lives (barring murder or something extreme like that :p) they'll be supportive. I've never gotten flack for falling out of Catholicism, not getting married by a certain age, the career I chose, or my political beliefs. Sure, we poke fun at one another, but not in a bad way. There's a whole lot of love at our family gatherings, so there's no room left for animosity.

There are fights, sure, but they're always in private. We don't like bringing anyone into a problem that doesn't need to be.
I get along fine with my relatives, though it's all superficial stuff (aside for my direct family) so even if I couldn't stand them it wouldn't matter much anyway.
I love my family! I wish we got together more often because I definitely do not see them enough. Thankfully all but an aunt and a cousin live in the immediate area so we're able to get together for most holidays.


I get along fine with immediate family. Extended family tends to grate after very short periods of time. That could be why I've never spent Thanksgiving with them.

The other reason could be that we don't celebrate Thanksgiving, but that may be coincidental.
I get along pretty good with my family. My parents live on the "family farm", and I live a half mile away. We get cousins, aunts, uncles, etc coming up all the time to spend the weekend. Some times with little or no warning. Sometimes it can look absolutely crazy when everyone brings their dogs up. It's not uncommon to have 8 or more people and just as many dogs. It can be a bit crazy, but it's always fun.
I get along decently with my family but I tend to get the feeling that none of them really know/understand me and sadly it think it is becuase deep down I prefer it that way. It leaves me feeling a little detached at times but I also feel it gives me an unique perspective on events that happen in my family.
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