Insane Clown Posse - Doing it for God?

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Insane Clown Posse: And God created controversy | Music | The Guardian

Is the guardian the uk version of the Onion? Has to be...

Short of the news story says that the terribly bad Insane Clown Posse is, in secret, a christian band, and have only recently come out to admit this to their fans.

The interview has wonderful moments, like this:

"So all those unpleasant characters in the songs,"*I ask, "like the narrator in*I Stuck Her With*My Wang, they're examples of people you shouldn't be?"

"Huh?" Violent J says.

"Well, it's very unpleasant," I say. "'I stuck her with my wang. She hit me in the balls. I grabbed her by her neck. And I bounced her off the walls. She said it was an accident and then apologised. But I still took my elbow and blackened both her*eyes.' That's clearly a song about domestic violence. So your Christian message is... don't be like that man?"

"Huh?" Violent J repeats, mystified.

There's a silence.

"I Stuck Her With My Wang is funny," Violent J says.*
I find this too hilarious to be true.
I believe film drunk pointed out that this respected news source was using lyrics from a 2002 album. So it's not quite "new". Also see: newspapers that fired their fact checker :p
They allegedly came out as being "Christian" in the 6th Joker's Card - "The Wraith." It was the last song on that album, and they come right out and say it in the lyrics.
They allegedly came out as being "Christian" in the 6th Joker's Card - "The Wraith." It was the last song on that album, and they come right out and say it in the lyrics.
Since no sane person listens to their lyrics on purpose, I can see how this could fly under the radar.


is this the same "christian" type as Eric Cartman's "christian" band in South Park?

I say BULLSHIT. I'd sooner believe Alice Cooper's a christian.


Nope, the Guardian is a legit news source, with some of the best international coverage in the UK.

Odin help us all.
"I don't know how magnets work," I say, to put him at his ease.
Ever get the feeling that ICP's financial adviser makes $12M a year while the band gets by on mustard sandwiches?
They actually don't make that much money (I mean, they aren't U2 or anything) and they lose a ton on those festivals they throw every year and they both have "real" jobs. Violent J is, I believe a used car dealer. Shocking.
They actually don't make that much money (I mean, they aren't U2 or anything) and they lose a ton on those festivals they throw every year and they both have "real" jobs. Violent J is, I believe a used car dealer. Shocking.
Wow, it seems like they would be rich just off the T-shirt and Sticker sales. It seems like half the Rednecks around here wear their stuff.


Staff member
It's odd, the writer of the article calls them Christians, but none of the quotes of them actually say anything about being Christian. The quoted lyrics mention "god" but also say "the carnival is god". There are a lot of different types of "christians" and I'm wondering why the article writer called them Evangelical Christians. I've run into more than one person who thought that if your parents were Christian, that makes you Chrisitan too, or if you believe in god that makes you a Christian. It strikes me that, if this isn't simply more theatrics, ICP may believe in a vague and generic "god" and because they grew up around Christianity they think that makes them Christians, and that the article writer tossed in Evangelical because s/he has no idea that the term "evangelical Christian" is fairly specific (not as narrow a definition as, say, Methodist, but is not as generic as "all who evangelize are Evangelicals"). The beliefs that ICP talks about in the article are so generic that if the writer hadn't labeled them Christian, I wouldn't have even thought to use the term.
They actually don't make that much money (I mean, they aren't U2 or anything) and they lose a ton on those festivals they throw every year and they both have "real" jobs. Violent J is, I believe a used car dealer. Shocking.
Wow, it seems like they would be rich just off the T-shirt and Sticker sales. It seems like half the Rednecks around here wear their stuff.[/QUOTE]

I think they said in the AV club interview that this was the first year they only lost like 10,000 bucks from throwing their festival instead of their usual couple of hundred thousand.


"No," sighs Violent J. "I figured most people would say, 'Wow, I didn't know Insane Clown Posse could be deep like that.' But instead it's, 'ICP said a giraffe is a miracle. Ha ha ha! What a bunch of idiots.'" He pauses, then adds defiantly, "A giraffe is a fucking miracle. It has a dinosaur-like neck. It's yellow. Yeah, technically an elephant is not a miracle. Technically. They've been here for hundreds of years…"
"Thousands," murmurs Shaggy.
"Have you ever stood next to an elephant, my friend?" asks Violent J. "A fucking elephant is a miracle. If people can't see a fucking miracle in a fucking elephant, then life must suck for them, because an elephant is a fucking miracle. So is a giraffe."
We watch the video for another few seconds: "It becomes apparent that Shaggy and J consider any understanding of the actual workings of these 'miracles' to be corrosive. To them, knowledge is seen as a threat… For ICP a true understanding of 'fucking rainbows' would reduce them to, as Keats put it, 'the dull catalogue of common things'."
Violent J shakes his head sorrowfully. "Who looks at the stars at night and says, 'Oh, those are gaseous forms of plutonium'?" he says. "No! You look at the stars and you think, 'Those are beautiful.'"
Suddenly he glances at me. The woman in the video is bespectacled and nerdy. I am bespectacled and nerdy. Might I have a similar motive?
"I don't know how magnets work," I say, to put him at his ease.
"Nobody does, man!" he replies, relieved. "Magnetic force, man. What else is similar to that on this Earth? Nothing! Magnetic force is fascinating to us. It's right there, in your fucking face. You can feel them pulling. You can't see it. You can't smell it. You can't touch it. But there's a fucking force there. That's cool!"
Shaggy says the idea for the lyrics came when one of the ICP road crew brought some magnets into the recording studio one day and they spent ages playing with them in wonderment.
"Gravity's cool," Violent J says, "but not as cool as magnets."

"one of the ICP road crew brought some magnets into the recording studio one day and they spent ages playing with them in wonderment"

I don't know if thats actually true but it sounds like something I'd like to see.


"one of the ICP road crew brought some magnets into the recording studio one day and they spent ages playing with them in wonderment"

I don't know if thats actually true but it sounds like something I'd like to see.
This, mothers, is why you don't do drugs or drink alcohol while pregnant.


ICP aside I just have to say that magnets are super fun to play with. >.>


But no one knows how they work...

Sounds like we need some fundamental force bitch-slapping to get all up in here.

The only thing I got from the article is that these two idiots are completely willfully ignorant on purpose. They refuse to learn about anything because they don't want to take away from the mystery surrounding a phenomena? Well, fuck it! We all should just strip down and start shitting where we please because that's the exact opposite definition of what it means to be human.

Oh and I'm glad I didn't give this interview or I think I'd blow up Violent J's mind:

"Magnetic force, man. What else is similar to that on this Earth? Nothing!
I think someone needs to go back to school instead of getting by on a 5th grade understanding of the universe.

Actually, I'm pretty sure most 5th graders understand the four fundamental forces of the universe better than our friend, J, does.
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