Haley is missing :(

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So a couple days ago I left for work and Haley (the kitten) was running around like she always does. My Canadian friend spent the day cleaning up the apartment and getting his stuff together for his possible Ukraine trip. I came home and he said he hadn't seen Haley since the morning. The door had been opened a total of twice that day. Once when I left for work in the morning, and once when he was putting out some garbage. He swears he didnt see her run out but we searched the whole place and couldnt find her.

We thought maybe she was just hiding really well so we called it a night and the next morning I woke up early and she still wasn't around. So we teamed up and searched the stairwells and lobbies of all 29 floors of my apartment building. There was no sign of her. We've also told the maintenance people and the shop lady downstairs to keep an eye out.

It's been days now and no work from them, and she is no where in the apartment. I think maybe she got out and perhaps someone took her in---Im going to try to make a poster about it. My other cat, Alberta is horribly depressed at the moment at the loss of his friend.

aMan this sucks >_<


I would post "Missing" signs on the mailboxes. Good luck finding her!
I live on the 18th floor so yeah, I thought the same. I don't think she'd make it outside which is why I thought that maybe someone found her already and took her in.


Staff member
Sometimes tiny animals can get into really good hiding places (or get stuck). Back when the 3 cats I had were kittens, they ALL managed to climb into some other-dimensional chamber inside our couch (like, inside the cushions, then up INTO the arm, or something like that). We looked for them all day and couldn't find them, and then somehow my dad found them all there and plopped them out.

So, couldn't hurt to look in places you "know" they can't be.
Check all the places where you think she would never get into. She is most likely in one of those. Places that you don't routinely open yourself.
My husband's family had a cat. She was lost for days. They thought she got out and ran away. They eventually heard her meowing from hunger and found her trapped behind someone's dresser drawer. (How she got back there, who the fuck knows)


This thread makes me very very sad! I want to see a happy ending to this and find Haley.. she's soooooo cute and has already been through so much in her young life!
(prays for safe return of kitteh)


Staff member
I know no one wants to say this, but... have you looked at the local pounds? In case she got out of the house and got picked up?


Staff member
I'm really wanting to push the "look everywhere" arguement. Cats can get anywhere and everywhere, no matter how unlikely. I heard someone (probably from here) say their cat somehow got in between their mattress and the box springs.

Seriously though. Put up some posters, and keep looking in your apartment or whatever. If you know some way to make her meow (some cats talk back?) do it in every room. Cats can be insanely hard to find, even when you know where they are.
Your buddy didn't accidentally pack in kitty with his stuff by any chance? Cats love laying on clothes.
I'm really wanting to push the "look everywhere" arguement. Cats can get anywhere and everywhere, no matter how unlikely. I heard someone (probably from here) say their cat somehow got in between their mattress and the box springs.
I have to agree with this. I once spent 4 hours searching for my cat, convinced that she had gotten out, gotten lost, gotten hurt. I'm trying to figure out what to do, and all of a sudden, I hear a pathetic little "mew", and discover that the little turd bucket had climbed up my bookshelf, clambered over a stack of trade paperbacks, and gone to sleep behind them, between the books and actual bookshelf.

She only came out when she woke up, and realized she had gotten herself stuck.

---------- Post added at 03:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:38 PM ----------

Your buddy didn't accidentally pack in kitty with his stuff by any chance? Cats love laying on clothes.
Ooh, good call. Seriously, check this.
My husband's family had a cat. She was lost for days. They thought she got out and ran away. They eventually heard her meowing from hunger and found her trapped behind someone's dresser drawer. (How she got back there, who the fuck knows)
My cat does that all the freaking time. She likes to sneak into the drawers when I leave them open.


Staff member
Am I really the only asshole who thought of the following joke?

"You are in China. Have you looked in the kitchen?"

Please tell me I'm not the only heartless bastard!
I thought about it but I refrained from making a comment for fear of people thinking I am a heartless bastard (not that I am saying that you are one)


Staff member
More than likely one of two things have happened. First, Haley went with said friend. Second, that Haley got out of the apartment and is now happily purring on someone else's couch. Cats are just that way.
Said friend is till around. So it's not with him.

Second I dont think she could have gotten outside. I live too high up. I really think someone found her and were so delighted to have a new kitten they decided to never give her back -_-

Damn it.
Your best bet is to put missing posters next to the entrance/exit, the mailboxes, and the elevators.
Basically anywhere that ensures every resident of that building will see it one way or another.
My the doors next to mine are vacant, the third is an office, and down the hall is also offices, also I dont know if I can even get to the roof. At this point, barring someone calling me and telling me they have her, I'd like to think someone found her and is taking care of her now.


That's definitely the most likely scenario Terrik, though I'm sure you'd rather have her back. I'm hoping for the best as well.


Maybe put on the posters "Haley is in need of expensive medical care... reward for safe return" ??
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