Dave... I am your father

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Well, not really, but I went as Bullseye (movie version) this Halloween and when the following picture was posted, someone immediately tweeted "You look like Anton LaVey" at me and I thought of Dave...

So, whadyya think, Turbo... we related? :D


Staff member
I think you do look like me in that! Wow!

And welcome back, you crazy Mexican!

Just in time for the Annual Anniversary contest!


Staff member
Showed a picture of you as part of an English-class exercise on describing clothing and appearance, Fernando. People thought you were a businessman.

Then again, they thought Morphine's mom was an FBI agent...
In other news, Calleja does a fucking awesome job dressing up as Bullseye.

I tried to get a crocodile-skin-or-whatever-that-is longocat thing, I swear!

I did give myself fake "piercings" by cutting up a notebook's spiral... they apparently looked so good people thought I had actually pierced my ear. Sadly, it's the left ear which you don't see in this pic (Still the only one I have... the couple of girls who had an actual camera haven't uploaded them to Facebook, as usual)

I did take a bunch of clips with me to pose as them being "ammo"... but I ended up drunkingly throwing them all at a guy that had dressed up as Daredevil, hoping to have an awesome face-off or something.

I don't think any hit him :(
If the costume is awesome shouldn't I be getting tons of[STRIKE] upvotes[/STRIKE] rep?

I'm such a redditor now. Seriously. That site has sucked half my life. And I love it.
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