World's Worst Mother, Steals Her Dying Son's Drugs at Hospital

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Karen Remsing, World's Worst Mother, Steals Her Dying Son's Drugs at Hospital - True Crime Report

Karen Remsing's 15-year-old son is terminally ill in a Pittsburgh hospital. He's connected to an IV that feeds him a constant drip of sedatives. But since the boy was dying anyway, Karen figured, it wouldn't matter if she stole his pain medicine for awhile...

Karen isn't exactly the loving type. Ten years ago, the boy and his father moved from Vancouver, Washington to Pittsburgh to seek better treatment. He's now on life support awaiting an intestine transplant.

But Karen, a nurse, decided to stay in Washington all those years. You'll soon understand why. So when she finally came to visit, she decided to unplug his IV, which she used to load up her own hypodermic needles she brought with her. Then she injected herself.

But when she tried to hook the boy's IV up again, she let an air bubble into the tube. We're not doctors or anything, but can't that, like, kill you? When real nurses returned to the room, they found Karen passed out on a couch, bloody needles in the trash, and the boy in a new kind of mom-inflicted danger.

Karen has since been charged with child endangerment, theft, criminal mischief, reckless endangerment and possession of a prescription medication. She's also been banned from the hospital and had her Mother's Union card revoked.

That is horrifying. How anyone could do this to their child is beyond my understanding.
Well here's the thing, Scud (if that is your real name), that's not her child. Oh sure, she gave birth to him, but she's not really him mother any more than I'm his crazy uncle Steve (spoiler alert: I'm not). She's just some broad who pumped him out and then wrote him off an another person she didn't have to care about. Biology aside, there's nothing that says giving birth makes a person an actual, useful parent, and this woman is a fine example of that.


Yes, that is horrible,... but I thought the worst mother was the one that let her 18 month old baby wander unsupervised and fell out of a 8th story window?
Stirring a pot of ratatouille in the kitchen (I don't think they said where she was) is not quite the same as yanking sedatives away from a dying child.


I think she's a junkie. She probably loves him a lot but loves her fix more. That is why junkie's suck.

And she's not the top on my list of bad mother's. I know a mother who traded her six year old daughter to men for liquor, a mother who burned her child when she got home from work every time she had a bad day and a mother who stood idly by while three generations of her family were raped by her husband, the father/grandfather/greatgrandfather. So this chick makes the list but is hardly the worst.


This post makes me sad. We are trying to have children, while others do have children and treat them like dirt.
That is horrifying. How anyone could do this to their child is beyond my understanding.
Well here's the thing, Scud (if that is your real name)[/quote]
About as real as Funsize, I suppose.
Funsize said:
that's not her child. Oh sure, she gave birth to him, but she's not really him mother any more than I'm his crazy uncle Steve (spoiler alert: I'm not). She's just some broad who pumped him out and then wrote him off an another person she didn't have to care about. Biology aside, there's nothing that says giving birth makes a person an actual, useful parent, and this woman is a fine example of that.
No, but normally there are hormones and genetic disposition in humanity to help to establish a link between a mother and her child. I say normally, mind you.


This post makes me sad. We are trying to have children, while others do have children and treat them like dirt.
That always makes me sad too. I worked in daycare with a woman who was trying to have a baby. She suffered so much for it she had to take these pills that made her sick all the time it was miserable. And then to have these kids come in from foster care that were treated like shit by their baby factory parents.. it really breaks your heart.

My friend DID finally conceive and her son is wonderful. That makes me very happy.
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