The Conan O'Brien Thread

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Four days until Conan

The Tonight Show was hilarious. I have no idea what you are talking about.

Of course, some people like the safe, same old boring joke. Anyone up for some Jay-Walking?


Staff member
Four days until Conan

I've got my Tweetdeck just sitting up and waiting. I've been so close!


Staff member
Four days until Conan

I thought it was good enough. Seth Rogen sucked and the chick from Glee was meh. She seemed to want to only talk about herself. The REST of the show, when Conan was ad libbing or doing a monologue he was hilarious!
Four days until Conan

I loved it. :) Seth Rogen was pretty funny, the chick from Glee was meh but the "Muffler Shop" bit Conan ad-libbed mid-interview was great. Conan himself, however, was AMAZING. I was worried that, having never watched Conan regularly, was letting the hype build my expectations up more than the show could meet. I was laughing like a hyena in the first minute of the episode. Jack White's musical performance and interview afterward were the best guest parts of the episode. "We've changed the code since you visited."
Four days until Conan

Tom Hanks last night was frickin' hilarious.
Completely agree, his interview was funnier than the entire first show.

---------- Post added at 12:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:40 PM ----------

So here's the Taiwanese video Conan showed last night with some of the scenes that were cut out.


Philosopher B.

Four days until Conan

Second ep's guests were definitely funnier than the first. Also loved Conan's Takei impression.
Four days until Conan

Thursday's show had me laughing the hardest so far. From Conan mocking the audience to "news ghost" Andy to the guests, it was all good.
Four days until Conan

I thought this thread was about the new REH Conan movie. I nearly peed myself, I thought it was being moved up.

Conan O'Brien is no substitute. :(
Four days until Conan

when I first saw Conan in the TV listings, I was like "Cool TBS is doing a barbarian TV series."

I was nearly as disappointed as I was when I learned that was about books, not lesbians.


Staff member
Changed the thread title to reflect the actual topic now.

Last night's was pretty funny. The bearded lady was cute.
Changed the thread title to reflect the actual topic now.

Last night's was pretty funny. The bearded lady was cute.
I started watching it on TeamCoco, but apparently the crazy bastard is giving away cars or something, so the site froze in the middle of me watching it tonight. I'll have to check last nights and tonight's shows out int he morning when people aren't flooding the site in an attempt to get a free car.


Staff member
The Harrison Ford interview was...interesting. Ford looked like he'd smoked weed before he came on. He looked disoriented, he kept rubbing his hands on the arms of the chair like he was feeling cloth for the first time and he only gave monosyllabic answers. He never volunteered anything, he never changed the subject and it seemed like it was taking Conan everything he had to keep the interview flowing. It was uncomfortable and a little weird.

Of course then Rosario Dawson came out wearing next to nothing and I thought to myself , "Harrison who?"
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