The Conan O'Brien Thread

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Harrison Ford is notorious for giving crappy interviews. He hates to do it, but for every movie he is in, he is forced to go on to these chat shows.

Barbara Walters good bye special listed him as the worst person to interview. Babs can get rabid dictators to talk, but not Indiana Jones.

Yes, I thought he was completely stoned too.
I've heard he's a notorious stoner among those who are "in the know" on such things. So yeah, I think he was super stoned. But Conan and Andy are able to work with it.

"That's what you call a two pronged approach."
Harrison Ford when you read about his hobbies, and off the set life... you think he's a rather impressive dude. Then you see him stonewall a chat show and he ends up looking like a colossal douche.
I thought he was funny, myself. I saw him on The Daily Show the other week and he was weird on there too, so I figured it was a shtick.

Yes, Rosario was fantastic, as always.
The Harrison Ford interview was...interesting. Ford looked like he'd smoked weed before he came on. He looked disoriented, he kept rubbing his hands on the arms of the chair like he was feeling cloth for the first time and he only gave monosyllabic answers. He never volunteered anything, he never changed the subject and it seemed like it was taking Conan everything he had to keep the interview flowing. It was uncomfortable and a little weird.

Of course then Rosario Dawson came out wearing next to nothing and I thought to myself , "Harrison who?"
I assumed you were exaggerating. But wow, you are not.


Staff member
The Harrison Ford interview was...interesting. Ford looked like he'd smoked weed before he came on. He looked disoriented, he kept rubbing his hands on the arms of the chair like he was feeling cloth for the first time and he only gave monosyllabic answers. He never volunteered anything, he never changed the subject and it seemed like it was taking Conan everything he had to keep the interview flowing. It was uncomfortable and a little weird.

Of course then Rosario Dawson came out wearing next to nothing and I thought to myself , "Harrison who?"
I assumed you were exaggerating. But wow, you are not.[/QUOTE]

About Ford or Dawson?
Ford was either tripping balls on SOMETHING, pills, weed, whatever... or he's developed some sort of late-life autism. There's no other explanation.

Conan's a pro, though, the interview never slowed down for more than a couple of seconds and he kept it fun the whole time.
...the hell he didn't, he spaced out at least three or four times, Conan (with some saves by Andy) was just too much of a pro to let it be noticeable
Dude, there were several questions he literally didn't even answer, he just stared at Conan smiling and turned to the audience for timed laughter/applause, giving an actual, if yet vague, response only after further prodding.
The Harrison Ford interview was...interesting. Ford looked like he'd smoked weed before he came on. He looked disoriented, he kept rubbing his hands on the arms of the chair like he was feeling cloth for the first time and he only gave monosyllabic answers. He never volunteered anything, he never changed the subject and it seemed like it was taking Conan everything he had to keep the interview flowing. It was uncomfortable and a little weird.

Of course then Rosario Dawson came out wearing next to nothing and I thought to myself , "Harrison who?"
I assumed you were exaggerating. But wow, you are not.[/QUOTE]

About Ford or Dawson?[/QUOTE]
Well, I meant Harrison Ford. But both, really.
Dude, there were several questions he literally didn't even answer, he just stared at Conan smiling and turned to the audience for timed laughter/applause, giving an actual, if yet vague, response only after further prodding.
You should explain it to me again. I just don't get it.
So, he was, like, there, right? And there were like, what, three or four instances in which the guy didn't even like answer the question, man. He was all "whaa" and Conan had to be like "herp derp derp herpy herp!" but it was all good.
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