(bold emphasis mine)Tyra Banks said:Ever since I was a kid, I couldn’t wait to pick up a new book and see what worlds the writers had created for me.
That annoys me and I've never really seen any of her stuff (top model or whatever).(bold emphasis mine)Tyra Banks said:Ever since I was a kid, I couldn’t wait to pick up a new book and see what worlds the writers had created for me.
That quote annoys me to no end. Maybe it's because I already see her as very self-centered, but it just screams the "me me me!" attitude that people already hate her for.
from her website’m so EXCITED!! I said I was going to do it, and here it is! It’s for all the girls and guys who want a lot more FANTASY in their lives… and some fierceness and magic, romance and mystery, crazy and wild adventures, and yeah, some danger too. It’s my novel called Modelland (pronounced “Model Land”)
We can only hope that this book turns into something as hilariously batshit INSANE as the Warrior comic.This'll be about as successful as comics starring and co-written by professional wrestlers.
In other words, not at all.
We can only hope that this book turns into something as hilariously batshit INSANE that is the Warrior comic.This'll be about as successful as comics starring and co-written by professional wrestlers.
In other words, not at all.
Done.Well, she is doing a lot of things we wish we could do. Maybe we should spend less time hating her and more time just being better than her.
We can only hope that this book turns into something as hilariously batshit INSANE that is the Warrior comic.This'll be about as successful as comics starring and co-written by professional wrestlers.
In other words, not at all.
Oh god, the comments to that story are... Well written and obviously thought out.It's like the BBC is stalking this forum: BBC News - Are celebrity children's books any good?
Oh god, the comments to that story are... Well written and obviously thought out.It's like the BBC is stalking this forum: BBC News - Are celebrity children's books any good?
It's the BBC. I believe they moderate their comments. In addition, the British are just more cultured than we in the US.
Oh god, the comments to that story are... Well written and obviously thought out.It's like the BBC is stalking this forum: BBC News - Are celebrity children's books any good?