Tyra Banks is writing a fantasy novel.

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Staff member
There is not a big enough fail tag to put on this thread. And you just KNOW that she's going to compare herself to the greats when she's "done" writing this stupid piece of crap.

Tyra is a narcissistic cancer on the anus of humanity's existence.


Staff member
Oh for the love of... a fantasy novel about models? Modelland? Intoxibellas? Come on, can't you even make up decent names?

Jaysus Humperdinck Christ, why can't anybody tell these people not to write?
Tyra whyyyyy
I confess, I do love the train wreck that is Top Model. It's my guilty pleasure! But her talk show was indeed the Tyra Show, as it was always about her... I could not watch it. She talks about herself enough on Top Model, as is. Why does she have to dabble in everything? She had a short stint as a singer, there's a top model video game, now books... Eww.
Tyra Banks said:
Ever since I was a kid, I couldn’t wait to pick up a new book and see what worlds the writers had created for me.
(bold emphasis mine)

That quote annoys me to no end. Maybe it's because I already see her as very self-centered, but it just screams the "me me me!" attitude that people already hate her for.
Tyra Banks said:
Ever since I was a kid, I couldn’t wait to pick up a new book and see what worlds the writers had created for me.
(bold emphasis mine)

That quote annoys me to no end. Maybe it's because I already see her as very self-centered, but it just screams the "me me me!" attitude that people already hate her for.
That annoys me and I've never really seen any of her stuff (top model or whatever).


Staff member
That "me me me" attitude is pretty much the best way to sum her up. I remember a few years ago she gained weight and suddenly knew how all the poor little fat kids around the world. She was crying on her show about the poor overweight women who get made fun of, now that she was one of them. Bitch gained maybe 10 lb. It was obnoxious and melodramatic and very much HER.

Element 117

’m so EXCITED!! I said I was going to do it, and here it is! It’s for all the girls and guys who want a lot more FANTASY in their lives… and some fierceness and magic, romance and mystery, crazy and wild adventures, and yeah, some danger too. It’s my novel called Modelland (pronounced “Model Land”)
from her website

Element 117

you wish you could do what she does?

I'd call that "hell" myself.


This'll be about as successful as comics starring and co-written by professional wrestlers.

In other words, not at all.
We can only hope that this book turns into something as hilariously batshit INSANE as the Warrior comic.

Though I HEAVILY doubt it.


Staff member
The problem is, she was a model and she got rich. She had enough money to have her own shows and spit a book out... Because she can. I admit I wonder what I would try to do if I has the money to get away with it... No matter how good or bad I was at it. But it just burns my ass how much attention she gets when people who ARE better than her go unnoticed.

"If she doesn't deserve attention then why are you talking about her?" Because I'm human and this is an appropriate venue for ranting.
This'll be about as successful as comics starring and co-written by professional wrestlers.

In other words, not at all.
We can only hope that this book turns into something as hilariously batshit INSANE that is the Warrior comic.

Though I HEAVILY doubt it.[/QUOTE]

If you haven't seen Linkara's review of the Warrior comics, stop what you're doing now and go to Channel Awesome.


This'll be about as successful as comics starring and co-written by professional wrestlers.

In other words, not at all.
We can only hope that this book turns into something as hilariously batshit INSANE that is the Warrior comic.

Though I HEAVILY doubt it.[/QUOTE]

If you haven't seen Linkara's review of the Warrior comics, stop what you're doing now and go to Channel Awesome.[/QUOTE]

That's how I learned about the existence of these gems. Thanks anyway :)
I had no idea this woman was... I guess I'd say popular? I mean, I've heard of her in passing here or there, but I never realized this was a celebrity.

On the book thing- egads, what a terrible idea. Awful. No good will come of it, except maybe the dismal sales which may lead to Tyra having a nice cold splash of reality to knock down that Zaphod Beeblebrox level of narcissism.


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