Dave's State of the Site Update

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Staff member
The site is coming along nicely and I'll update here when I do anything particularly cool.

Newly added to XF:

Double click to edit posts. You want to edit your post? Easy! Just double click it and it'll come up.
Smilie dropdown box. This is really cool and will allow me to add as many smilies as I want without it being in the way.
User Online. This shows in the User's avatar if they are currently online. Yes, you can still surf invisibly.


Staff member
New update. XF is now in Beta 5 and close to RC1 so things are changing at a slower pace. What's really amazing is that unlike vBulletin, each change did not break 6 other things. Fixing vB is like trying to repair an inflatable life raft in the middle of the ocean using no other tool than a patch and a staple gun. XF has shown itself to be very, very stable and a number of sites have gone to them from vB and across the board it's reported to be a good experience. It is still missing a few things I think we really need but they will come in time.

I took out the dark XenForce style as it was so heavily modified code that it was difficult to make any changes to it. I replaced it with 2 new Styles: DXF (a cool blue style that is very sleek and easy on the eyes) and the one I think a lot of you will like called Game On. GO is a dark style that utilizes a different tab look. It's made for bigger monitors, though, as it doesn't wrap very well. Also, the damned thing has no fewer than 4 links to different sites in the footer - which is HUGE! I've contacted the author to see about maybe paying him a few bucks and getting branding free which would remove all of this. Fucking annoying.

The NSFW area will have to go away for a time so I can figure out how to make it work with age verification. Not that big a loss if you ask me. It really wasn't utilized all that heavily. I'll be moving the Flame Wars to the Topic Area so you can still snipe at each other.

I have a few other ideas but will wait a bit to roll them bad boys out. T-minus three weeks and counting!

I want to change over NOW!! :(
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