Back to the gym, bitches!

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For some quick background, I used to be a big gym guy. Used to go minimal three times a week for about an hour and a half (hour weights, half hour cardio). It was even more often when I was briefly in wrestling school when I first moved to Toronto.

Yes, I was in wrestling school. The Hulk Hogan "fake" kind of wrestling. Me and a friend figured out that my ring name was going to be Nick "The Brick" Brunswick (rhyming and allusion to my home province, New Brunswick).

I was chatting/flirting with a friend of mine last night on MSN and she was looking over some older photos of me. Like this one:

(Ignore the really forced smile. Just look at the arms :D)

Goddamn, do I miss my guns.

So, after her drooling over this particular photo and thinking about maybe doing some more lifting, I headed to a gym that's a mere 5 minute walk from my house. Got me a 7-day trial membership.

Just got back from there after and hour and a half and...goddamn, do I feel good! Been down in the dumps lately and...whew! Why did I ever stop lifting? I had given up on it in favour of yoga...which I haven't been doing much at all since the beginning of the summer, when I started bike couriering.

And now, I'm biking a minimum of 6 hours a week (it takes a little under an hour to bike 17km to school three times a week). I've slimmed down a LOT. A friend of mine really pointed out this when I showed an older picture of me.

2007 (July-ish)
Last Night (said flirty girl asked for a reaction pic while I watch The Last Airbender movie)

Anyway, the TL;DR version is I think I'm gonna start hitting the weights again. Time to bring back the guns and live up to the name "Brick". :D

However, I could use some help. I need some new music to listen to while lifting. Some of my favourites for getting pumped include Motorhead's "The Game", "Weak" by Skunk Anansie and "Push" by Moist and . If you guys could find some more music along those lines, that'd be awesome. :D


I'll be joining you soon. I recently started buying the stuff I used to use to slim and tone (Protein Shakes, Recovery Drinks, Energy Tabs) and will be starting my routine up again on Monday.

Luckily the apt complex here has a decent fitness center less than 5 minute walk.

As for music? I tend to watch the TV more than listen to music. If I did, it would probably be something with a fast beat. Techno most likely.
I am a huge dork and listen to the Rocky Soundtrack more often than not when I work out. I'm also getting back on "the horse" since my new apartment complex has a bitchin' fitness center.
Heh, don't worry about being a dork, Char-man. The only time I tend to check out new music is if I hear it on wrestling or from a movie/TV show.

The best stuff I enjoy lifting to usually includes something from wrestling. Basically, if it's something that can pump up a crowd, make you go "FUCK YEAH, LET'S DO THIS" right of the bat and picture some badass due tromping down the aisle to it, then it works. :D


Ill tell you what NOT to do. Do not listen to anything funny or watch anything funny. A laughing fit is really counterproductive when working out.
182cm 65kg, 6'0 143 pound, got myself a weight bench and havent been using it as much as I would like to. Maybe seeing those guns can get me motivated. I really wanna stop being all skin and bone for once.

TNG, can you give me some advice on what sort of exercises I should be doing? (I have a bench that can incline up,with one of those leg things on the end and a barbell and dumbell set.)
I fell off my gym schedule a few weeks ago. Got sick, missed two days and have not been since. I need to get back to it, but those two days combined with the fundraising I've been doing have put me way behind schedule on schoolwork.

I shall join you, come Friday. I dunno, negative rep the hell out of me if I don't come back here to post that I've started my routine again by Monday.

---------- Post added at 04:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:09 PM ----------

I am a huge dork and listen to the Rocky Soundtrack more often than not when I work out. I'm also getting back on "the horse" since my new apartment complex has a bitchin' fitness center.
I like to listen to the Scott Pilgrim videogame soundtrack, particularly the boss battle songs on my final reps and during my cardio.



182cm 65kg, 6'0 143 pound, got myself a weight bench and havent been using it as much as I would like to. Maybe seeing those guns can get me motivated. I really wanna stop being all skin and bone for once.

TNG, can you give me some advice on what sort of exercises I should be doing? (I have a bench that can incline up,with one of those leg things on the end and a barbell and dumbell set.)
FAQ:Introduction - Starting Strength Wiki
FAQ:The Lifts - Starting Strength Wiki
FAQ:The Program - Starting Strength Wiki
How much are you benching ThatNickGuy?

As for music? I love listening to Motorhead for some reason when I work out... Lemmy rules!


I maxed benched 300 lbs at the gym last weekend. I thought I'd share that. I felt special.
I listen to Metallica and NiN a lot while lifting. If I'm pissed and going after a new max, i'll switch to some Gojira or Meshuggah


I'm considering starting the P90x program a friend gave me, but I'm not sure if I should spend a month getting my stamina back up with basic workouts (30minute cardio, 30minute strength 4x a week) before starting the program.
I'll hopefully be getting back into it again this Sunday. I took a few weeks off during hunting season, and am getting anxious now. I'm going to try to push myself a bit more this time around. Maybe even get a gym membership so I can hop on the treadmill, running in the snow isn't a whole lot of fun.
I'd like to get in shape before I'm 25. I'm thinking about joining a nearby gym. I don't know if I'd be just as well doing some stuff at home just to start though.


I'm considering starting the P90x program a friend gave me, but I'm not sure if I should spend a month getting my stamina back up with basic workouts (30minute cardio, 30minute strength 4x a week) before starting the program.
P90x is really only for losing bodyfat after already establishing a solid foundation.
go for a compound barbell strength training routine before that for a while imo like stronglifts or starting strength
P90x is really only for losing bodyfat after already establishing a solid foundation.
go for a compound barbell strength training routine before that for a while imo like stronglifts or starting strength
Yeah, if you do just the P90x by itself... you will get ripped... but stay small in build. If you do weight training first to build some size, and then do the P90x... you'll be a monster :)
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