Living Abroad?

Living Abroad?

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I've had this conversation a couple times in IRC and I wanted to know what the rest of you thought.

For me personally, I couldn't imagine myself doing anything else at this point. Living abroad has, for me, generally improved myself as a person, given me new insight in a lot of things and I've experienced things I never would have had I not left home.

There were always difficulties---My first time abroad alone was to Tokyo and I didn't know what the hell I was doing. I spent my first few weeks in China without any knowledge of Chinese and afraid to leave my room for fear someone might try to speak to me in Chinese---I've come quite a ways.

I'm now seriously considering buying a house here in a few years and despite annoyances here and there (and the fact that, yes I do miss home at times), I couldn't be happier. What about the rest of you? Ever consider it or give it any thought?


Staff member
Everyone should travel at some point in their lives. I'm convinced that if more people did this the world would be a better place. Most dumbass Americans are ones who have never left their own back yard.
I've enjoyed my time abroad, though I have been nursed through it because I never had to fully immerse my self in the experience. I thought about teaching English in a foreign country after I graduate with my bachelors.


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Absolutely! I would miss home, but traveling always makes me hungry for more traveling. My biggest trip was to England, and I only got to go for two weeks. I could have spent months there without getting tired. It's a great place. I want to see more of Europe, and I want to visit my family in Brazil. Aaaand I really want to see Japan.
Lived a good portion of my life overseas, as well has having half my family in England. The one that really hit home the most was the three years I spent in France - damned near full-immersion.

I wasn't too keen on it at the time, but looking back on it, I am glad that I did, because it gave me insights to myself and my culture (inasmuch as there is a generic "American" culture) that I consider to be invaluable today


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As is common knowledge, I spent nine months as an exchange student in Limerick, Ireland.

Best. Year. Of. My. Life.

I came back with improved English, more independent, and with plenty of new experiences and contacts. I also realized that despite considering myself open-minded, I'm still somewhat provincial. I mistakenly said "Aww snap" in a discussion with an African American student... and he refused to talk to me after that :( But otherwise I have no doubt in my mind that spending an extended period abroad would broaden anybody's horizons.


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^I was just thinking that. I know a lot of people who would have laughed. Of course, we're close, and that makes a difference. I'm *more* careful about PC-ness than one of my friends coming in from England this week. He's always calling himself "Brown Man" (he's part Indian) and insisting that I do the same. First time I finally gave in and said it the people around us were shocked, while he laughed his ass off. Some people are sensitive about that kind of thing... some people aren't. I think it has more to do with that than you being provincial. You don't seem like the type who'd try to be insulting. Hell, I say "aw snap" to people of all colors and creeds. :p


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It just came outta my mouth, I wasn't even really thinking about it. *shrugs* I never got a chance to apologize and ask what was wrong about me saying that. One possibility is that as a blonde, blue-eyed Nordic person I'm not allowed to say that ;)


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Some people think that... and fair enough, I guess. Just doesn't seem like a big deal to me. I might not be a minority, but as a Louisianian I take my share of punishment. I can't blame someone for having a sore spot about some words, though. I haven't been there. I just hope they know they're welcome to call me a shoeless, possum-eating swamp creature who drives an airboat to school. :laugh:
An she tawk lahk dis, mais oui! *ducks*

As an aside, the Discovery Channel's "Swamp People" offers my wife no end of amusement, due to the one man's HEAVY Cajun accent. It never fails to tickle her pink. I may have to move down to the bayou. *grins*


Staff member
An she tawk lahk dis, mais oui! *ducks*

As an aside, the Discovery Channel's "Swamp People" offers my wife no end of amusement, due to the one man's HEAVY Cajun accent. It never fails to tickle her pink. I may have to move down to the bayou. *grins*
Heehee. I would never throw something at a police officer, unless it was glazed and covered in sprinkles. :awesome: Man, I haven't seen one minute of that show. I have to see it just to know what people are talking about. Make no mistake, there are some thick accents down here, but not so much in my hometown. I sometimes wish I had one. I'm tired of people being skeptical of where I'm from when I travel out of state!
as my dear old granddad bill use to say, "join the military, travel the world, kill small brown people..."

ok, now that I have that out of my system. I would like to travel the world in the auspice of my field of study which is environmental science. yes dear halforumites I am a green treehugging neo-hippie, so on and so forth. ya know save the whales, eat dolphin safe tuna, dont cut down the 15000 year old redwoods and sequoias. less CO2....there is more I just don't care to think about it.


Staff member
Hee hee hee... accents are funny. One time when a student was clearly trying to bullshit me about his undone homework, I decided, just for the heck for it, tell him "to stop monkeying around" - in a thick Häme accent. Think of a thick, rural accent with connotations of being down-to-earth humorous but also suspicious of anyone who's not from their neck of the woods. I have this knack of switching Finnish accents on the fly; I guess it comes from the fact that my own dialect is something called "Satakunta mix" - bit of Rauma, a scoop of Turku and a dollop of Häme ;)

---------- Post added at 12:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:51 AM ----------

as my dear old granddad bill use to say, "join the military, travel the world, kill small brown people..."

ok, now that I have that out of my system. I would like to travel the world in the auspice of my field of study which is environmental science. yes dear halforumites I am a green treehugging neo-hippie, so on and so forth. ya know save the whales, eat dolphin safe tuna, dont cut down the 15000 year old redwoods and sequoias. less CO2....there is more I just don't care to think about it.
Move to Europe, pick a country and go into politics. Here the green tree-hugging neo-hippies have their own national parties and even their own programme in the EU - called Natura.
indeed NR, and us here in the US are getting shit on by the Tea Party republicans as our work being JUNK SCIENCE, I am not just talking climate change but alt energy and any other field that requires us to use less fossil fuels in the future. I envy the rest of the world that seems to have at least on some level woken up and realized that we cant pull the stuff out of the ground forever.

I never stop laughing at people that think we have at least 100-500 years of fossil fuels of every type left. I just dont see it, unless Americans are ready to pay 15 dollars a gallon for their gas in the near future.
I spent a lot of time growing up overseas. I guess it doesn't have appeal to me anymore as a result. I like where I am now.
Studying in the US has been a great and positive experience for me, no idea if I'll be staying here, jumping to another country or moving back home, but I enjoy it. Living abroad for a while certainly changes your views a bit.

Also, when you go abroad, all the ladies are ferners. Sexy more often than not. Always a plus :p


I had those dreams in my teen years, about how I'd get to travel and live in Japan once I was old enough. Then the kids came into my life. Wouldn't trade them for anything, but it did dash those dreams pretty hard.

My life abroad consists soley of visits to the border towns of Mexico for drinking/eating. So it's somewhat lacking.


Everyone should travel at some point in their lives. I'm convinced that if more people did this the world would be a better place. Most dumbass Americans are ones who have never left their own back yard.
Completely agree. Even just moving across the country for a short time would be a good thing for most Americans.

I've never lived anywhere else, but I love to travel. I love the potential experience of everywhere I go. I've settled down a little with the wife and dog and school, but I'm thinking after I'm done with school I might do a backpack tour of Europe. I've also thought about moving to Mexico City. It's one of my favorite cities, rent is cheap and I think I could get a job teaching English.


Everyone should travel some point in their lives. (especially to another country)

living abroad? it is pretty cool when you are not tied down or attach to someone (it cost more and make it harder) I have a house now, a car, a stable job and a wife. It is hard for me just to pick up and start over. With her, I can probably do it together, but the uncertainty now is a harder decision to make.

When I was single and don't own a house? heck yea!! sign me up. I apply for a job on a cruise ship (8 months on 4 months off) would be a perfect job. You live on the ship and stay in apartment or something for 4 months, but now?? I wouldn't and couldn't do it.

Take a chance, go out and see the world. Have fun.


Staff member
Heh, sounds like a lot of people would like to travel in Europe. Now, I know my neck of the woods is a little removed from the river valleys of France and vineyards of Tuscany, but a fellow halforumite is always welcome to crash on my couch bed ;)


Heh, sounds like a lot of people would like to travel in Europe. Now, I know my neck of the woods is a little removed from the river valleys of France and vineyards of Tuscany, but a fellow halforumite is always welcome to crash on my couch bed ;)
Heh. I may have to take up on that offer someday (my wife and I) I would probably have more fun at your place.


Heh, sounds like a lot of people would like to travel in Europe. Now, I know my neck of the woods is a little removed from the river valleys of France and vineyards of Tuscany, but a fellow halforumite is always welcome to crash on my couch bed ;)
I'd take you up on that. Scandinavia is definitely on my list.
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