Some people get dealt a shit hand

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Just got back from a friends funeral he had cystic fibrosis and was 39. His sisters (3 of them) died years ago from different things his mom died in September his dad is the only one left in the immediate family and he's a real sweet old guy hate to see what life is throwing at him. No real point to this thread just getting stuff off my mind


It is amazing how some families or people seem to be a sponge for tragedy and misfortune. I hope he has good friends around to support him.
It is sad when you see that much tragedy in one family's life. I worked with a guy (not directly-he works in a different department) that had a desk knocked off a shelf in the warehouse and land on him causing major damage. Why he didn't sue the company is beyond me. After months of rehabilitation he came back to work but was put in a new job (that is a horrible job) because he could no longer perform the duties of his current job due to the injuries. The person who knocked the desk off the shelf (about 25 feet high-industrial desk) got promoted to a new position about the time the injured employee came back to work. Then he brings his family to Florida for a trip to Disneyworld which was the first good vacation his family was able to take in years. His first day in Florida he suffers a massive heart attack and the family spends the week at his side in the hospital. They come back after the week is over but he has to say for awhile longer. The following year he is out with his wife celebrating their wedding anniversary and she goes to the bathroom. After a bit he becomes worried that she hasn't returned so he asks a waitress to go check on her. They found her dead in a stall from a heart attack. A couple of months ago he found out his job is being eliminated from the company so now he gets to look for a new job.


Staff member
These posts are why you don't hear me complaining about my life. No matter what's happening to me there's always someone out there who has it much, much worse.
Whether it's because they did something bad in a previous life, God is trying to win a bet with Satan, or they were born under a bad portent, every culture agrees that some people have the worst luck in the world.


I'm with Dave and escushion. These kinds of posts, while disheartening are also uplifting in the sense that it allows you to really take into perspective your own issues and feel a bit more confident that you can handle them.


Staff member
I think the funniest thing is, the types of people that these things happen to tend to be very stoic. In most cases, they are not the ones complaining and won't broadcast the things that have happened to them. Even though they may have the weight of the world on their shoulders, they won't bitch & moan about it - they'll simply finish out the day and go on to the next, one day at a time.

It's uplifting and makes me sad at the same time.
I realized life wasn't fair as a senior in high school. One of the girls in my class had been battling cancer for a couple of years and though they thought it was in remission it had flared back up. She was one of the sweetest girls you could meet. Straight A, in band, church going and would never walk away from someone in need. She died before we graduated. I remember thinking "there are a lot of assholes who are more deserving of this death than her."
I'm sorry for these people but I don't think anybody should compare their lives with those less fortunate to feel better about themselves, "mal de muchos, consuelo de tontos". (Evil/Harm for many people is a consolation for fools.)
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