Is our society REALLY that thin skinned?

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'White Student Union' Fliers Spark Controversy at WCU | NBC Philadelphia

My wife and I have several conversation on the issue. It is interesting to see what we consider cool (cartoon wise) back in the 80s and 90s vs today. What can be shown today? what movies (like Blazing Saddles) would it be able to show on TV today without someone complaining? What about Jerry Lewis imitation of Chinese? (which I found hilarious being Chinese myself)

Sometimes I wonder if our society have become thin skinned. When I read this article, I went, whua?! seriously?? people are getting pissy over that? Do people ever bother reading the rest of the story?

someone pointed out what if someone puts out Asian Club, African American Club or Latino club, then it is ok? but not White Club?

What kind of world are we living in now?

edit: replace Club with "Student Union"
On one hand, a union/club/etc is generally intended to push forward acceptance of, and promote the culture of the group. Given that "white" people already have an overwhelming majority there is little reason to start such a club unless one wants to use it to further the agenda of the majority, at the expense of the minorities.

On the other hand, yes we are thin skinned - skin is only about 2mm (0.07 in) thick, which is about 18 sheets of regular paper.

---------- Post added at 05:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:00 PM ----------

Dude, the first rule of White Club is that we don't talk about White Club.
Spoken like a true whitey.

(What is the "white" version of the word n****r? You know, the one word that only white people can use towards each other, but if used cross racially turns into the worst of all epithets?)
Heh, I remember when I found out my uni had a "Black Student Alliance" or something like that, and I was all "WTF?" at first, seemed like the most racist thing I had seen since I had set a foot in the U.S.

(What is the "white" version of the word n****r? You know, the one word that only white people can use towards each other, but if used cross racially turns into the worst of all epithets?)
(What is the "white" version of the word n****r? You know, the one word that only white people can use towards each other, but if used cross racially turns into the worst of all epithets?)

Honkey. White trash. White boy.

None of those truly matches up to the n-bomb, but those phrases are as close as you can get.

Regarding the article: Great idea, poor name. The name is the only problem. "White Student Union" leads many people to think about terms such as "Whites Only" or "White Supremacy." THAT is why people get offended, especially when they don't look into it any further.
(What is the "white" version of the word n****r? You know, the one word that only white people can use towards each other, but if used cross racially turns into the worst of all epithets?)
Considering White people generally define themselves by heritage and not race, you'd probably need to slip into ethnic slurs. So it's likely things like Mick, Wop, or Goombah. I wouldn't recommend using the first in an Irish neighborhood and I'd DEFINITELY wouldn't recommend using the last two in an Italian one.


I don't think it is a thin skin problem it is just being flat out stupid.
Naughty Joke Gets Santa Fired from San Francisco Macy's - Crimesider - CBS News

Wow... if this is true that the same jokes have been used for decades, then I guess this couple REALLY have thin skin and report him.
poor guy.
If you, as an adult, decide you need to sit on santa's lap, you deserve everything that's coming to you.

But I understand Macy's position - they simply should have stated that the "ride" is only suitable for children and that adults should find their own santa elsewhere.


Naughty Joke Gets Santa Fired from San Francisco Macy's - Crimesider - CBS News

Wow... if this is true that the same jokes have been used for decades, then I guess this couple REALLY have thin skin and report him.
poor guy.
If you, as an adult, decide you need to sit on santa's lap, you deserve everything that's coming to you.

But I understand Macy's position - they simply should have stated that the "ride" is only suitable for children and that adults should find their own santa elsewhere.[/QUOTE]

Yea but Macy's allow him to do this all these years (20 years) and now they fire him? oi vey. It is not like Macy's didn't know about it.
Naughty Joke Gets Santa Fired from San Francisco Macy's - Crimesider - CBS News

Wow... if this is true that the same jokes have been used for decades, then I guess this couple REALLY have thin skin and report him.
poor guy.
If you, as an adult, decide you need to sit on santa's lap, you deserve everything that's coming to you.

But I understand Macy's position - they simply should have stated that the "ride" is only suitable for children and that adults should find their own santa elsewhere.[/QUOTE]

Yea but Macy's allow him to do this all these years (20 years) and now they fire him? oi vey. It is not like Macy's didn't know about it.[/QUOTE]

Macy's knew about it? At what level of management did they know about it?


Some people only do stuff when there is a complaint. It makes no sense but that is how they function.

I still don't understand what the guy actually did except make stupid jokes. If those are dirty jokes... I don't even know what to say about THAT.

Yeah I do. I want the number of the people who bitched so i can tell them some real dirty jokes.

Why did the penguin cross the road?
to get to the other side.
Why did Santa cross the road?
Because he was stuck in the penguin.

yes i know penguins live at the south pole.. focus people!
Spoken like a true whitey.

(What is the "white" version of the word n****r? You know, the one word that only white people can use towards each other, but if used cross racially turns into the worst of all epithets?)
It's supposed to be Cracka but honestly being called a Cracka isn't so much the "I know nothing about you but the color of your skin and I know that you are a worthless waste of skin" and more of a climax to an awesome story that you tell everybody you see that day.
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