Laptop lock

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Anyone here using a lock on their laptop? Or have you used one? Pros? Cons? Any brands that you would recommend?


Our office use them. There are two version.

combo lock is good until you forget it. We had to cut one so far.

There is a key version (those round key type) those are pretty good as well.

But.... here is the thing.
You can use a cable cutter and a hack saw to get your laptop.
As in, to lock to a desk?
Yeah, like these: Keyed Locks - Kensington Keyed Locks

---------- Post added at 03:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:16 PM ----------

But.... here is the thing.
You can use a cable cutter and a hack saw to get your laptop.
Sure but if you are a thief in a coffee shop would you bring a hacksaw with you? And if you did would you go for the locked laptop or the one left sitting there with no lock? Get my drift?


I totally understand, but also these cables are not that tough. You can cut them with a good wire cutter in one shot and use the hack saw to remove the lock later.
I don't leave my laptop alone, period. If I go to the bathroom, I take it with me. If I get up to order food, unless I can keep constant eye contact with it I'll take it with me.

Keep in mind that most laptop locks are easily and quickly defeated, and the insurance that comes with the lock is so limited that they rarely pay out (you have to be able to return the lock or lock pieces, and if no damage or evidence of unauthorized opening can be found they won't pay - sucks if the thief steals the lock as well, or picks the lock since it doesn't always leave discernible marks).

So, yeah, I can't recommend any locks.


I had figured they might be a bit tougher than that.... guess that answers that.
Yea we thought so too. Of course it does deter some people (who don't know better) until one of our users forgot her combo. So I tested it with one of those tree limb cutters (tree branch cutter, the handheld one that can cut upto 1/2 inch thick branch) one cut, whoosh! and we use a hacksaw to cut the lock (easier to do when it is held down right and at a good angle)
Yep. They're meant to be used to prevent the grab-and-go attack, not so much as a primary means of defense. That's what "locking the office" is for.



I would still think a lock is better than nothing.

It defaults to that old arguement of "Why bother putting any passwords or virus protection on a computer, if someone with enough gumption can still break through?". It's just not reason enough not to give yourself a little bit of protection.
Yep. They're meant to be used to prevent the grab-and-go attack, not so much as a primary means of defense. That's what "locking the office" is for.

And it is behind a locked door 99%, having a lock would really just be a secondary security system.
Well, if you have to leave the laptop alone in a location that can be accessed by others (for whatever reason) then go ahead and get the laptop lock. All it does is keep honest people honest (there is a barrier that many people won't pass over between just picking it up and walking off vs bringing a tool specifically to defeat a lock in order to carry it off).

It's more a psychological lock than physical security, but that doesn't mean that it's not worthwhile. Further insurance companies are more happy to pay claims where a lock was used.

I just don't think about it because I have no reason to leave my laptop alone anywhere but at home, and I'm not about to fiddle with locks in my own house...
A better option would be to put your laptop in a sturdy lockable cabinet whenever you leave the room. That way you retain mobility and it is out of sight, and the cabinet can be used for securing other things, while a laptop lock can only be used for one purpose, and it doesn't perform it very well to a determined thief.

Holy run on sentence Batman...
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