Merry Christmas

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Hope that everyone here, if you celebrate or not, has a great Christmas, safe travels, and great food with family and friends.

Merry Christmas,
Indeed, Merry Christmas to all of you... may your holidays be full of cheer, happiness and fun!

And remember, Santa is watching!


Merry Christmas!!

We are having a goose for Christmas dinner! I'm so excited. Never had it before.
Some family, some not family. Happiness will make an appearance, we will encourage him to stay as long as he likes. Here's hoping y'all are visited, too.

Hey guys. Here again is a poem that I put on the forums last year. Here is The Night Before Halforums Christmas. Apologies for out-dated elements:

‘Twas the night before Christmas,
And all through Halforums,
Not a creature was stirring,
Not even a door…ums.

When in through the chimney,
Santa crept without a peep,
And left presents for all the good little forumites,
All tucked in their sleep.

For Shegokigo, the charming young lady
(though considered psychotic),
He left an Eyelander, Chargin’ Targe,
And lingerie photos of the Nostalgia Chick.

For North_Ranger, the mighty warrior,
Hailing from the land of Finn,
There was a comb for his beard
And a new sauna to hang out in.

For Dave, the leader now panic-stricken
With a daughter age sixteen,
A turbo-inscribed Louisville Slugger
To defend her from guys obscene.

For CajunGal, from New Orleans,
The lover of cats and cuisine.
He left a new kitchen,
That was quite the scene.

For Shannow, who traveled the Earth
Just like Caine in Kung Fu,
There was the perfect gift for journeys:
A walking stick made of bamboo.

For Espy, the young infant
Seen frequently in coughing fits,
A pack of Marlboros and E-Cigarettes
(The latter for when he quits).

For Charlie and Kissinger,
Who, against Transformers 2, took action,
He left some DVDs and a Lady Gaga CD
(the latter with a puzzled reaction).

To all the rest of the Halforums crew,
He left their heart’s desire
(Hoping this would keep them quiet
And prevent a war made of fire).

To those neglected and my rhyming errors,
I apologize and will take any slight.
With eggnog in hand, I wish to you all:
Butternut squash pie, in the oven right now.
It's almost as bad as yesterday, when we were roasting hazelnuts*.

(*Imagine a house which smells like there's a pot of Nutella simmering in the kitchen.)


Staff member
And to all of you either here or away, Merry Christmas I shout and Happy New Year I say!


Staff member
Merry Christmas, everybody! I made a delicious Brandy-apple pie and a pecan pie. :) I can't wait to share them with the family tomorrow! I'm listening to my mom prepare her sweet potato casserole, and Dad's cooking 3 geese outside. It's gonna be a tasty Christmas!
Finally finished assembling the kid's Christmas stash. Time for a nightcap and hopefully more than a few hours of sleep. Merry Christmas to all! Ho! Ho! Ho!
I hope you all have a great Christmas tomorrow!

I'm actually back at my place to do some work for a few days. I went to my parents for a bit, cause we were going to have our family Christmas on the 23rd, but my nephew got really sick on my birthday and is back at Sick Kids' Hospital, likely for the rest of the year. So we're postponing our family Christmas until sometime in the new year.

Stuff like this makes you appreciate that its just a day though, and it doesn't matter whether its the 25th of December or the middle of the summer, what's important is that you get to spend the day off together and have a nice big meal with your family. I'm used to my family Christmas not actually being on Christmas Day because my dad usually works on the 25th, but this is different.

I'm also really thankful for Child's Play. Apparently Christmas at Sick Kids' Hospital is awesome. They had school busses lining up outside yesterday to drop off toys for Santa to deliver to the kids tomorrow.
We went out to the State School in our area last night and played Santa for the residents there. We delivered gifts to all the dorms of the residents and just wished that I could have been there this morning to see their faces when they opened their gifts.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Hmmm... first time in her life (over 17 years now) my daughter has woken up on her own on Christmas morning. There IS a Santa Claus!!


Staff member
My brother shaves his head, and so Mom got him one of those Headblades... they're so cute! It's like he's playing with Hot wheels again... on his head! :)
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