Merry Christmas

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Happy Life Day! (Yes, I just referenced The Star Wars Holiday Special)

Fun fact! Dave was the very FIRST person to receive a present from Santa.


Staff member
^Hah!!! The thing!

I'm so full right now... We're all gathered in the family room drinking wine and telling stories.

Philosopher B.

Huh ... I thought I posted in here earlier. Oh well, belated Merry Christmas, y'all. I went to see True Grit today in the theatres, and then Inception on Bluray later. 'Twas a good day.
Pretty much Christmas: Take Two. I know little about the religious part of it (my family is secular, a.k.a. I have no idea what 90% of my relatives believe), but it's to celebrate a christian martyr. We all get together and eat food (always pasta tubes stuffed with meat called canelons, and moar meat), drink, be merry and shit. This may be more informative than me:'s_Day

It's like the traditional way to get over a hangover (drinking again), only for celebrating christmas.


Staff member
Got snowed in on St Stephen's Day and couldn't drive back home until today. Otherwise, a most merry Christmas was enjoyed in our family, with many games of Skip-Bo and Ubongo, many devoured smoked fish and meatballs, gravy and a quickly-diminishing Christmas ham.
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