The Final Voyage of the USS Haleyprise

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I'm giving Haley away to a friend of mine. The reasons are threefold.

1. I'm likely moving to Shanghai soon and landlords don't typically like you coming in with pets.
2. It's really hard to actually transport said pets.
3. Believe it not, I'm really allergic to cats--I've had to take medicine everyday since I started raising Haley.

That said Ifound her a nice home. My friend Si Di agreed to take her and take care of her and I have no doubt she'll do a very good job of just that. So as a final farewell to little Haley, here's a few pictures of our trip to the vet to get her shots and an examination before I handed her over to Si Di.

In the bag to go to the vet

None too pleased about it either

She got scared at the vet so she jumped on my back

Some pirates have a parrot. I have a cat. Yarr.

Time for the ol' cone again

Clippin' the nails

Haley does NOT like needles up the rear

Make it stop

X-ray time

Here you can see the metal pin used to set her bone after I found her.

Haley with her new owner

Bye Haley!


That cat's life means more to me than any other forumite's life. Take care that she takes care of it Terrik. Or else.


Love the pictures, reminds me alot of my kitten. (Not in looks, but kittens are kittens) Glad to see she got a good treatment and a new home.
That cat has such awesome markings, I make an exception to my "I hate cats" stance for it. So long as it stays away from me. I'm so allergic to cats that benadryl does nothing.

Philosopher B.

Nice pics. Haley is such a cool-looking cat. And lucky, too! :)
Aaawwwwww... Sad that you gotta let her go, but the new owner sounds like a nice person.

Could she possibly take pictures of Haley from time to time and relay them to you? >_>


Glad she is going to a good home! Best let your friend know Haley likes to wander! :)


Staff member
It's strange how news of a cat I've never met being given to a new owner makes me a little sad.

But it's good you found her a new home, Terrik. We're all gonna miss little Haley. And yes, if she could send us pictures every now and then we'd be really glad. *smiles* I mean... Haley's become something of a de facto mascot for Halforums.
Si Di will be happy to send pictures once in a while. :)

She's already following Si Di all over the place. I'm glad Haley's enjoying her new home.
Well, my ex-gf already come and took the other cat back a couple weeks ago. So, as of now, I am kitty-less
Awww, that has to be rough.
Rough yeah. And I really got use to them being around. Now I really am kind of alone when I get home from work.

However, this is the first time in a year I've had clear sinuses in a year. I guess there's some trade-off.
I was going to say (in a much calmer demeanor) that she is awful cute for a cat with newly found laser powers. Good to see that she's happy, Terrik. Also good to hear you finally have cleared sinuses. :)
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