Saturday Night Live

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Staff member
It's on right now. Jim Carrey is the host. I haven't laughed this hard in a long time. If you're not watching it you suck.

That is all.


Not a good entrance? :) I'm no good at the delivery remember?


Staff member
No, no. Old jokes against Dave are considered the coin of the realm. Right now you have proven yourself to the other geeks. Kinda like starting a fight with the biggest guy in prison.

So you don't get raped.


SNL stopped being funny after the "Not Ready For Primetime" crew left.

Yeah I said it, what?
I watched it and my only thought was that Jim Carrey is a one-trick-pony. His schtick is still the same 15 years later, and it is still not very funny.

Philosopher B.

I saw bits of an episode recently with Jeff Bridges. It was almost ... funny. :eek:


Staff member
Carrey was on his game last night....for the first half of the show. The second half was just okay.

But Jim as the Black Swan was gold, I tells ya! GOLD!
Not a fan of too much of Saturday's episode, but Jim Carrey gets a pass because he's responsible for one of the funniest SNL skits ever:


SNL stopped being funny after the "Not Ready For Primetime" crew left.

Yeah I said it, what?
Yep. I fast forwarded through most of the episode without stopping on my Tivo, and the parts I did stop on, I regretted.
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