Inline Edits

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Staff member
One of the newest things for XenForo is inline edits. It is supposed to look like this:

Inline Editor.png

But when I try and edit it takes me to a new page.

Please help me test. If it's me I won't open a ticket. If it IS XenForo, I need to know what browser/Style you are using.

I'm gonna edit the shit out of this.

Takes me to a new page in FireFox with XFStop
Same with IE9, same style.
Same with xenforce.


Staff member
There is an issue between an addon and the new functionality. I may have to tinker a bit.


Staff member
I have a lot of outdated templates I have to restore. No idea what kind of effect this is going to have. Please be patient.


Staff member
Cool. Now I just have to put stuff back little by little. At least in XenBlue.

And the QuickEdit is borked in XenBlue, damn it.

Nothing to see here. Works great. Moving along now.

Also: you can't see these before the edits, right?

You can if you read it before the thing is totally edited. :p

And leave my daughter out of it.
All the icons for links/images/font/etc are missing in the post box in XFStopFluid. I can still find the buttons if I hover over them, just can't see them


Staff member
Yeah, there were a lot of templates that were changed and had to be reverted. I've been working on this for a few hours now.


Staff member
I wondered how it would look for other people. My monitors are HUGE (genetics) so it looks fine to me.

How big is your display?

(And no, I have no idea what they are going to do about this for mobile when they get it.)


Staff member
How big is your display?
21 inches, 1920x1080 resolution.

It's not so much it's actual size, but the size of the workspace. It's barely big enough for editing text (10 lines fit on there), but trying to edit posts with images is a pain because it's WSYWIG. When I'm making a fresh post, the box expands to 36 lines of text, before starting to scroll, which much easier to work with.
What the hell, we only have 2 themes now? And both are fugly!? WHYYYYYY I want the old default one baaack

I don't remember it's naaaaameee

I reaaally like voweeeeels


Staff member
Inline edits are now a bit bigger. I can't do much about the height but the width is now set. I'm working to see if there's a way I can get this to work.
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