PA- Where the Toys Are...

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They're angry because the guy is a D-bag. It's really not hard to follow.

Edit: Sorry Covar, that was a little snarky. I don't think it's so much that he's not "ONE OF THEM", but that he's entirely not interested in serving his customer base despite having the only store in the area which caters to their needs. It would be like an auto dealer telling their customers they don't have time for them.
didn't seem that snarky to me.

IDK, just not feeling this "arc."
I will note that Tycho mentions in the accompanying news post about how shy he is so this is just the expected passive-aggressive nerd rage.
Then unfortunately he's bringing some of it on himself if he doesn't put the guy in his place by letting him know who has the money and who wants the money in this situation. I don't advocate blaming the victim, but sometimes you gotta stand up for yourself. "I'm the fucking customer. Deal with it."
He SHOULD saunter in and say, "I'm not sure you understand, but I'm a tastemaker in my field"
You know, if they brought Kurtz with them, the guy wouldn't give them any guff. Not because Scott's tough or anything, but he can be loud and abrasive, and I'm sure he's picked up some level of forward personality just from living in Texas so long that the bro wouldn't be prepared for considering his usual customers are probably of the shy nature like Tycho.
Not sure how a place with an owner who was that big a jerk to his customers would stay open for long.

My cousin owns a hobby/comic book store, and yeah he can be a jerk to the mouth breathers that hang around and don't buy anything. That's not to say he doesn't enjoy some chit-chat about comics etc... But let's face it, if you're hanging out and not buying shit, people don't want you there. You're not their buddy, you're a customer.


I've never met a "dude" comic book shop owner. EVERY single one I've ever met was more like "Comic Book Guy" from the Simpsons.
My FLGS owner used to resemble Comic Book Guy but then he went on a diet and started working out and now he looks better than ever....

I'm not doing this right am I?
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