isn't it a little premature? I mean currently the shooter is in holding and still trying to piece together if this was truly a political thing (i.e. trying to push an agenda) or just happen to be a good place to shoot a bunch of people who happen to be in political office. (i.e. I am not condoning the action, I'm just saying the shooter is kinda mess up to begin with and probably think just that)
Interesting point. But I think there is a minor difference from a single "crazed shooter" vs a dedicated religious zealot (i.e. Taliban) or a person truly committed pro-lifers (i.e. actual organization) now I guess if a bunch of "crazed shooters" started a movement website/group/meetings then we might have to worry about.The shooter is a schizophrenic person who took the ideals of the Tea Party to extreme due to his mental illness. That does not, however, excuse the Tea Party from being aligned with the same kind of zeal that's found with an Islamic extremist - say a Taliban fighter. If I was a politician I too would be fearful against Tea Party retributions much in the same way abortion clinic doctors are afraid of getting bombed by zealot pro-lifers.
It was the local radio stations billboard, it was taken down by either them or the ad company they went through. It was down before Rush was even aware of it.Holy crap, why? I am no Limbaugh fan by any stretch of the imagination, but really? Talk about the one time I think he should have stood his ground.
With shotgun in hand...Holy crap, why? I am no Limbaugh fan by any stretch of the imagination, but really? Talk about the one time I think he should have stood his ground.