CIA & Al Qaeda. Could this possibly be true?

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This is on Yahoo news (India). Could it be true?

London, Feb 20(ANI): Double murder-accused US official Raymond Davis has been found in possession of top-secret CIA documents, which point to him or the feared American Task Force 373 (TF373) operating in the region, providing Al-Qaeda terrorists with "nuclear fissile material" and "biological agents," according to a report.

Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) is warning that the situation on the sub-continent has turned "grave" as it appears that open warfare is about to break out between Pakistan and the United States, The European Union Times reports.

The SVR warned in its report that the apprehension of 36-year-old Davis, who shot dead two Pakistani men in Lahore last month, had fuelled this crisis.

According to the report, the combat skills exhibited by Davis, along with documentation taken from him after his arrest, prove that he is a member of US' TF373 black operations unit currently operating in the Afghan War Theatre and Pakistan's tribal areas, the paper said.

While the US insists that Davis is one of their diplomats, and the two men he killed were robbers, Pakistan says that the duo were ISI agents sent to follow him after it was discovered that he had been making contact with al Qaeda, after his cell phone was tracked to the Waziristan tribal area bordering Afghanistan, the paper said.

The most ominous point in this SVR report is "Pakistan's ISI stating that top-secret CIA documents found in Davis's possession point to his, and/or TF373, providing to al Qaeda terrorists "nuclear fissile material" and "biological agents", which they claim are to be used against the United States itself in order to ignite an all-out war in order to re-establish the West's hegemony over a Global economy that is warned is just months away from collapse," the paper added.
Added at: 09:31
Just so you know, I would not have posted this had it not been on the Yahoo site. I'd like to think they are better than the Daily Mail or National Enquirer for their fact checking.
Huh. The original news source doesn't even have the story listed on it's Top Stories section, so I wonder how much credence this should be given. Well, besides the fact that it sounds utterly preposterous.


Staff member
Huh. The original news source doesn't even have the story listed on it's Top Stories section, so I wonder how much credence this should be given. Well, besides the fact that it sounds utterly preposterous.
I know, right? But as preposterous as it is, how did this make it to Yahoo news without it being even slightly vetted?
It is the testimony from some one in Russian Intel... yeah, they have nothing to gain from increasing tensions between the US and any nation in south Asia.
I know, right? But as preposterous as it is, how did this make it to Yahoo news without it being even slightly vetted?
Yahoo India might not have the same vetting process as Yahoo Anywhere Else. I'm skeptical, especially since ANI itself doesn't seem to be the most open of news sources. I wonder if this might be cooked-up payback from the ISI for being outed by Wikileaks for giving ongoing aid to the Taliban remnants?

EDIT: I'll find this much more worrying if it shows up on Al-Jazeera.
Noticed that the article refers to a story in the European Union Times. Went over to their website to check, and found a few gems. I'm inclined to think this is tabloid trash. Also found the article the Yahoo story talks about, if you're inclined to read further.


Here's a sample graphic from one story

"Mr President, Al Queda is attacking!"

Barack Obama: "I didn't want to have to do this... IDDQD"
For a bit, I looked at this and had no idea what that meant. I'm ashamed I forgot. Lets hope to keep from getting bored he also uses IDKFA and IDSPISPOPD.
Ah, the political art of Rick Dees. If you value your sanity, don't visit Motherfucker is batshit insane.

EDIT: Oops, David Dees.

For an example of his insanity, here's what's on his main page right now
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