I plan to play the heck out of this game and most likely end up blowing up my friends a lot on accident. Anyone else trying it out? There's a demo up on Steam now to try it out but it doesn't have multiplayer.
I've bought it. I thought I was stuck on chapter 3, but I learned a few things that helped me get through. I still think the game isn't balanced properly for single player. The tactics necessary aren't nearly as fun as what's possible with even two players.
Allen and I are going to be playing tonight, starting at about 6pm PST / 8pm Central.
Some of the most useful stuff I've learned:
How to use staff powers (the game should spell this out): middle-click with no elements summoned.
How to enchant your sword: summon an element, then Shift + Left-click. There are some interesting things that can be done, and I need to explore more of them. I really wish it lasted more than one sword swing.
Personal shield is a must, but heal yourself before putting it up. All heals just recharge the shield and won't up your health if it's up.
Area effect shield can be abused. It may be the only way to get by certain areas in single player, but it's not a very fun way to play the game. It won't save you from Meteor Storm, though.
I know how to behead MacLeod. There can be only one!
Watching X's Let's Play of the game showed me where to get the Master Sword in the second chapter.
Some more advanced stuff is spoilered:
Shield + Life or Arcane = Land Mine, additional elements can be added for other effects:
Fire = bigger explosions that set on fire
Lightning = shocking mines, not sure if they have any other effect
Cold = mines that slow, but I don't think they cause damage.
Water = mines that soak, but may not cause damage.
Area effect these mines for a full circle around yourself, but you'll be trapped.
Mines can be set off by hitting them with certain spells.
Earth doesn't work with land mines. It creates a rock wall when combined with shield, and can make volcanoes and other stuff.
Shield+Element on self = immunity to that element. This is the best way to dry off (Shield + Water). It'll keep you dry and able to cast lightning, even in the middle of a rain storm. Shield+Cold should allow for one player to do area effect slowdown without freezing his partner as well.
I don't know what Shield+Life does. I think it may be regen, but I'm not sure.
Shield + Ice is an odd one. It encases you in ice, but doesn't harm you. I'm not sure if it's useful, since you can't move or do much while in it.
I need to try Shield + Steam.
Added at: 14:22
Actually, I just realized that my schedule changed today, so I can now play this afternoon if anyone is interested.
I haven't really touched area effect shield. What I abuse is area effect arcane. It's quick and does good damage. Pair it up with another element for some good fun.
Arcane + Fire = 550 damage with a d.o.t.
Arcane + Cold = 425 damage and slows down enemies. This is how I got past chapter 3.
One thing you can do is do is the mixed arcane area, then follow it up quickly with an arcane area effect. It's decent, very quick damage.
I think our plans mostly involved one person firing a laser and another person crossing the streams correctly for more damage or crossing the streams incorrectly to cause an explosion.
I think our plans mostly involved one person firing a laser and another person crossing the streams correctly for more damage or crossing the streams incorrectly to cause an explosion.
I don't think it was nearly as coordinated as that. Voice chat should help. Typing would take to long to ask what type of beam someone's using that keeps exploding with my beam. (I tend to use Lightning + Arcane + Fire, I'm guessing I was clashing with someone who likes Ice beams)
Speaking of strategy, I'm learning that sword magic is useful. From now on I plan to keep my sword enchanted and ready for a quick attack. I think my preferred one will Ice + Shield because that's pretty good at slowing enemies.
I'm surprised that I've had good luck with pick-up games. Twice now I've ended up with another partner who was both a decent player and stuck around long enough to finish a couple levels. Granted, when I started today it was with a full game of four people, and two dropped out halfway through the level, but the last guy who stayed was really good at the game and we finished levels 4, 5 and 6. It was pretty awesome. I'm really looking forward to a Halforums game, though.
At the end of level one, hit Ygg with water somehow. I like Water + Arcane to get him from far away. Then hit him with Cold. He'll have moved closer so I'd say you can spray, but if you want to mix it with Arcane to make a laser, you can. Then charge up 2-3 Rocks. He should die in one shot.
Okay, today was more like what I'd expect a pick-up game to be like. One guy kept TK-ing using Ice based spells. Another kept using area effect water and knocking us off of platforms.
It wasn't a total disaster, though. We had to restart a few times, but we did make it through three levels with all four players. Voice chat would have helped immensely.
After playing the demo....sadly, not for left handed gamers. I cannot understand in this day and age how game developers haven't gotten through that hurtle yet. Remapping controls should be game dev 101 for PC gamers. I could however see how much fun MP can be, especially if deaths aren't going to force me to endure 3-4 combats over and over again.
Mmm.... the demo should be updated. I mean, it's a source where people can check the product... if it wasn't for these answers, I would have turned my back to the game.
Personally I like the teamwork of water beam and then cold beam. Not as damaging, but the enemy can't move when it's frozen solid. Added at: 19:42
Speaking of teamwork, who is up for playing with Allen and I tonight? We should be getting started in about 20 minutes or so. We'll be using Ventrillo to voice chat during the game.
After playing the demo....sadly, not for left handed gamers. I cannot understand in this day and age how game developers haven't gotten through that hurtle yet. Remapping controls should be game dev 101 for PC gamers. I could however see how much fun MP can be, especially if deaths aren't going to force me to endure 3-4 combats over and over again.
It's called being fucken able to program your games competently enough so that gamers can map the controls to their gaming leisure. If your gamers can't play your games in comfort then you failed at delivering your product. Programming for Macs is an entire different platform.
Magicka devs will do well to update their demo to incorporate these updates. Even with word of mouth from people confirming me other STILL makes me apprehensive in buying their product. I'll have to let it mellow in my brain a few days, maybe a big sale will change my mind. Demos should have solid builds to attract new customers.
Allen and I seem to be cursed when it comes to Chapter 6. We keep getting crashes on the last boss. I've managed to finish the chapter multi-player in my own game, but with Allen it's crashed twice on us there. We gave up and started a new game, and were totally kicking ass.
Just messing with you. My dad is left handed and plays flight simulators. Try finding a left handed force feedback joystick/throttle combo. Now that's fun.
Edit: Actually you got me thinking about other games that don't have remaps or limited remaps. The one that surprised me/irritated me the most was Fallout 3. That game had the worst remap options.