You can play this one online for 2 hours a week and be satisfied. It isn't designed to be a huge timesink.
Go to the thread with all the steam usernames, and start adding people from the forums. Then be bold, choose a time when you want to play, and demand that people show up! I'd love a chance to play some more. The game doesn't have built-in voice chat, so make sure to get Ventrillo working if you're going to play with other Halforumites.Ok, I'm downloading this as we speak. How do I find you guys to play with? I'm guessing steam friends? I... I have to admit I've never used steam before >.>
My steam name is ravenpoe121
Earth + water = are of effect water splash that knocks back. Earth + frost = area effect freeze on soaked targets, or chill on non soaked targets. Arcane does extra damage to frozen targets (I think) as do physical attacks, such as ice shards or earth boulders.My favorite sword enchantment is 2x Ice + Shield + 2x Lightning (QRQREAA). It seems to damage pretty well, especially if enemies are wet. I need to play around with the different possibilities, though. A steam lightning wall might be more damaging, but possibly have a shorter duration.
I really don't use earth very much. I should practice using it more, especially for earth shields.
Yeah, I didn't see where you said you were leaving. The chat function is pretty bad for that game. And some points are fucking impossible without a partner.My connection didn't crap out with Dave. I told him several times that I was going to have to go soon. And then I left.
Hey may not have seen them, though, as we were both busy getting blown up a lot.
Also, Dave is my thunderbolt bitch
The other half is laughing at them for being dead...Only half?
- Life based spell mines no longer knockbacks.
I'm fairly flexible.When?
Magicka's real fun is multiplayer, and isn't really balanced for single player. I found playing the game solo to be pretty hard, with a lot of cheap deaths. (If anyone does play solo, make sure to get the Teleport spell on the first level. It makes things a lot easier.)If I don't play with anyonelse, would you recommend it as a stand-alone playable game to go through once?