Today is Wednesday. (Yahtzee)

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Staff member
He REALLY needs to stop trying to review MMOs. He's terrible at it. Like, not even funny when he tries to make fun of it.
He has very narrow tastes in games, and little inclination to understand something he doesn't like. His humor works when he's playing a bad entry in a genre he approves of, but when he's playing something he wouldn't even like if it were good, he falls flat on his face.
He has very narrow tastes in games, and little inclination to understand something he doesn't like. His humor works when he's playing a bad entry in a genre he approves of, but when he's playing something he wouldn't even like if it were good, he falls flat on his face.
figmentPez and MMO's, sitting in a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G.... :p


I'm getting to the point that watching him isn't entertaining anymore. Its one thing to be funny when you know what you're talking about. Otherwise you come off as an idiot.
I'm getting to the point that watching him isn't entertaining anymore. Its one thing to be funny when you know what you're talking about. Otherwise you come off as an idiot.
Sorry dude, figPo was in the tree before you...
I'm getting to the point that watching him isn't entertaining anymore. Its one thing to be funny when you know what you're talking about. Otherwise you come off as an idiot.
Maybe, and just ride with me on this here, you just have different opinions than he does. Shocking, I know, but taking him as seriously as you seem to might not be... healthy. Have a beer. Laugh. It's entertainment man.


I'm all for people with differing opinions. Spoony and I clash on opinions from time to time, but the difference is Spoony actually plays the games he reviews for more than 5 minutes before passing a critisim that could possibly turn off potential buyers before they have a chance to find out that the game could be better than they were lead to believe because of an attempt at comedy.

It'd be like a movie critic, watching 10minutes of a film, then passing judgement on the movie and telling people that it was terrible, don't watch it, don't fund possible future installments and don't give any money to the production company. All because he didn't like the first 10 minutes.
If you're using Yahtzee to decide what games you should buy then your game collection should consist of 3 games...

And his criticism is valid, even if you and others (about 11 mil at least, when talkng about MMO's) enjoy those things that are criticised.
And his criticism is valid, even if you and others (about 11 mil at least, when talkng about MMO's) enjoy those things that are criticised.
Thats been my experience as well. Generally his criticisms are spot on, I just don't let them spoil my enjoyment of the game.


His criticisms on the games he plays through/mostly through? Agreed.

The ones he plays for a few minutes, tossess aside cause they don't "mesh" with him, and then he begins to take apart, based on things that are either addressed or improved on within minutes of where he quit? That's just bad form.
Well my advantage is that i've been hating the same stuff he's talking about in games long before i even had the internet, so someone pointing them out doesn't do anything to my enjoyment of them, i see them just fine on my own...
Added at: 17:19
The ones he plays for a few minutes, tossess aside cause they don't "mesh" with him, and then he begins to take apart, based on things that are either addressed or improved on within minutes of where he quit? That's just bad form.

Care to give some examples of that?

Coz i find it more likely that you're just taking his bombastic stylr a bit too personal.


I'll be happy to soon as I get home and am able to bring up the site.

There have been a number of these type of reviews and it's gone from a small dislike, to finally pushing me to the point that I don't even find him amusing anymore.
I think Jiarn is really focusing on the MMO aspect, because even if you sit and play an MMO for 30 hours, you've not played the "whole" thing, because there's constantly more, and there are so many different people to play with. It's troublesome because in that sense, an MMO is never finished until it dies, and Yahtzee also feels a game's merit should be proven in its single player, which is difficult for an MMO to do (even the best PVE often asks for more than one player). In terms of linear/limited games, he usually admits when he didn't finish the game, and in one review even openly called it breaking a critic's code (paraphrasing--although it's kind of unfortunate he gave up on that particular game, Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, where he did, because though he probably didn't know it, he was just before the final boss).

That said, I think Jiarn's way off on him disliking MMOs period, because he loves WoW as much as he hates WoW. He likes the game, he hates that he likes the game and what it does to people. He's clearly not the only person who only likes WoW, because other MMOs keep coming out and keep failing. Not to mention, he set his friggin' novel in an MMORPG.


Yes he liked WoW. Yes his critique was good on it. Why? He played it for a long time, got very far, and was able to give an educated and experienced critique.

My problem with him reviewing other MMOs, is that you can't get a real feel for the game with "30hrs" or less. Which is exactly what he does with the others. A quick sniff then he's gone. He just needs to stop trying to review them. For the record, the "single player game" in DCU:O? It's pretty damn fun.

His "quick sniff and run" tactics don't just sit poorly with me on his MMO reviews. He's had a few single player games that he did the same too that irked me. Again, once I get home, I'll do a more comprehensive list, but he's done in more than once and it comes off as annoying more than amusing.
You can get plenty feel for an MMO within 30 hours; you're just not experiencing all the content. But if the game doesn't have solid gameplay, you can tell that within two hours, let alone 30. You don't need to reach the end game grind to tell that.

As for DCU, I think he really offended you with that one, and whether you think he did his proper research or not, this right here:
For the record, the "single player game" in DCU:O? It's pretty damn fun.
That's what Espy's talking about. That's entirely a difference of opinion, and again, you can tell that within a few hours.

I'll be interested to see the single-player list though.
Yup, re-watched the DCU review... none of his complaints actually require him to play it for 30+ hours... he pretty much side steps anything that would have required going through all the content, except perhaps the part about the different environments being just a bunch of urban settings, thus too samey.
Given how much time he has to put into playing games, writing the script, making the video, etc, on top of everything else he does, it's no surprise he didn't play enough for DCUO. He's openly said himself that he doesn't have time to invest in every game. He basically had, what, less than a week to play DCUO? As others have said, it takes much longer to honestly get into an MMO.

Then again, that does also prove his argument about Final Fantasy XIII - it's not in the game's favour to say it gets good after 30+ hours.
Hey Nick, welcome to a month ago. :p

I kid. I was wondering when Jiarn would ever post that list. On another note, I just finished Yahtzee's book Mogworld yesterday. It's a fun read with a lot of humor; I was pleasantly surprised at what I thought would be a cash-in on his current popularity. I'm hoping he publishes another in the near-future.

On the Pokemon review: Totally with him on the Electric Gym Leader battle. That was one tough bitch. DreamGoddess was trying to beat her for an hour tonight before giving up.
Maybe I'm just used to the game playing dirty tricks on you, but I didn't have any trouble until I got to the Elite Four the first time. Last generation they pulled the same tricks on you, so I made sure I had more than one way to deal with the problem.
The electric gym leader wasn't so hard. Yeah, the flying/electric emolga can be tough, but almost all ground pokemon can learn rock moves, and you gain a rock tm by the time you get there.
The problem was often Volt Switch, the most annoying thing I've ever seen.

Ash: I agree the last gen was much harder, but that was nearly 4 years ago with Diamond and Pearl. This game plays softball with you, and then suddenly the AI on Elesa is very smart, switching out Zebstrika when you use Dig, or switching him in if you have a Pokemon of the type that Emolga is weak to (Ice or Rock). You pretty much have to have a Pokemon hiding Ice and Rock moves. I didn't have a huge problem, but I was watching poor Dream last night as she tried different strategies and the damn AI kept switching Pokemon like it was a cheap human player.
Honestly, there is one Pokemon that will make short work of just about anything that isn't faster than it: Darumaka/Darmanitan, and you can get them before the Electric Gym. I don't usually use Pokemon that are focused on moves that also hurt them, but mine had Sheer Force as an ability (+30% damage on moves with special effects, but special effects won't go off) so I used Takedown or Flare Blitz for just about the entire game. They gets lots of Speed and Attack as well, meaning they make an excellent choice for the Battle Subway.
Darumaka won me that fight with Thrash. It's a nice Pokemon, and she's using it, but not with the right moves.
Yeah, with Darumaka, it's all or nothing. I suggest giving it a good Fighting move (I think mine had Brick Break around then) and then a Ground or Rock move (Rock Slide works, as does Earthquake). You'll ether want to give it Leftovers to counteract the life loss, a Life Orb (you can get this in the Battle Subway), or Charcoal. Fire types tend to be pretty damn good this generation... it's probably why there are only like 3 lines of them.

Later in the game you can get a special Darmanitan that can change forms into a VERY powerful Special Attack at less than half life. You only get one chance to get it though, and I generally prefer Sheer Force to Zen Change.
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