[PC Game] Minecraft HF server info and game discussion

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I haven't been able to connect for a long time now... I keep getting server connection timeouts. Did the address change or anything or am I just being stupid?


Staff member
I haven't been able to connect for a long time now... I keep getting server connection timeouts. Did the address change or anything or am I just being stupid?
Make sure you're connecting to ragnar.dyndns.biz:27065

(I think it's safe to not have to superduperobscurohide the address any more now that we have some measure of security in place).
Finally got around to poking my head in, would appreciate it if someone could green me up (if that's what I need).

So a lot of alien and commie stuff, and nothing made in the good ol' USA? By gum we've got to do something about that. Those bastards got Sputnik up first, but they won't ride the first pig on the moon, not on my watch!
It may not be space stuff but there is a Los Angles Class Attack Sub off the coast of Playa


Staff member
You already do. :)


You should now be able to build and dig and stuff.
Added at: 10:03
Bukkit has been made available for multiplay minecraft servers... but I think it's in our best interest to hold off for now, and let it get more stabilized and let them work the kinks out. At least to the point where they have a more reliable permissions system.

The downside is, I don't think we'll see the return of Minecart Mania until we switch to bukkit.


Something pretty damn cool is coming.

Well, I hope.

That is, I hope it will be pretty damn cool and also that it will actually come. Just making a mention of it here to motivate me to get it done. :p

Might need some tech support, though. If anyone in here is good at video editing in Premiere (or whatever) give me a shout over PM :)
I thought hMod was the "red-headed stepchild" for a while now and Bukkit was "the new thing that's supported"? But I could be wrong on that. You know server issues like permissions and what you want/need, but I look forward to the newest supported Minecart Mania when the transition happens.

On the warp issue, is there a possibility of getting one over to my tower (I call the transit hub in the basement the "nexus" so if you call the port "nexus" or "nexustower" that'd work) that's east of Dirona's and the Death Star? It's on the track to Ed's, but FAR from it. About smack-dab halfway between ed's and "civilization" I think, and nearer to the "2nd huge sphere" and a few other things than ed's port.


Staff member
I thought hMod was the "red-headed stepchild" for a while now and Bukkit was "the new thing that's supported"? But I could be wrong on that. You know server issues like permissions and what you want/need, but I look forward to the newest supported Minecart Mania when the transition happens.

On the warp issue, is there a possibility of getting one over to my tower (I call the transit hub in the basement the "nexus" so if you call the port "nexus" or "nexustower" that'd work) that's east of Dirona's and the Death Star? It's on the track to Ed's, but FAR from it. About smack-dab halfway between ed's and "civilization" I think, and nearer to the "2nd huge sphere" and a few other things than ed's port.
No, Bukkit is only a recent development and is still very early in its development cycle, so to speak. Bukkit only got off the ground at all when Hey0, the author of hMod, declared he'd no longer be updating... that was only a couple months ago. Previous to that, the vast, vast majority of servers ran hMod and the number of addons that didn't use hMod were almost statistically insignificant.

Bukkit has a much more modular design from what I've seen, and it's clear it's where the future standard of server mod packages will be... but it's not quite there yet. It's still at the point where every update not only breaks most of the addons, it also breaks itself. And right now the major stumbling block seems to be that the permissions submodule requires config files to include the folder name of the map being used, which doesn't play nice with the control panel software that Multiplay employs (at least from what I read). Once that gets addressed, it'll most likely be time to convert Ragnar over to Bukkit instead of hMod.

I'll set up a warp to your tower, it is really far out there.
Captain's Log HMS Fnordia

March 12, 2011
Off the Coast of the Playa

As I returned from a weary day of work to my submarine I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. Thinking that perhaps weariness and fatigue were quickly catching up with me I snapped a photo for later development. Rubbing my eyes I was unable to see for a moment after the flash, though I heard a great rustling and a sound like the snapping of trees beneath a tremendous weight.

Thinking little of it I retired to my quarters but not before setting the film to develop. Come the morn the below photo was developed. Gods help us...it wasn't an illusion...



That's awesome, fnordbear.

Looks I'm going to need a beefier computer for the project I've undertaken, by the way. Good thing I got my new parts today ^___^
I have actually finally run out of space and ideas for my lab at the beach, finally time to strike out alone and establish an outpost somewhere nearby for when we inevitably turn the monsters back on and need to defend against the dark hoards.
So um, not to be a doomsayer or anything...but has anyone been playing lately? Been popping in and out at random times the last week and hardly seeing anyone on...
I was on a lot at the beginning of the week, it is spring break/vacation time for a lot of people as well. later in the week I just ran out of ideas...


Staff member
Honestly the unavailability of minecart mania has discouraged me a little from playing, even though I only occasionally put it to use. But I'll be playing more again I think.
I only just got access...but now I'm on vacation away from my main Minecraft machine, etc.
(We only brought 2 computers with us*...it's so inadequate!)

*And my laptop can't really even handle Minecraft.
I only just got access...but now I'm on vacation away from my main Minecraft machine, etc.
(We only brought 2 computers with us*...it's so inadequate!)

*And my laptop can't really even handle Minecraft.
For some reason I had pictured your laptop being able to quickly crack military strength encryption... I'm so disillusioned now... ;)


Staff member
I'm playing other things right now and am going to be coming back strong when monsters are unleashed.


Oh boy, monsters.... There is waaay to much monster proofing I have to do. Tedious tedious tedious.
I had pictured your laptop being able to quickly crack military strength encryption. I'm so disillusioned now.
I always, always, choose versatility over power. This is my laptop. I've been using it since 2003. It runs OS9 and OS10.2-10.5, and when I need it to it runs Win98 or WinXP well enough to get by (though of course there's no 3D gaming). It has trouble playing the YouTubes these days, and don't even think about Hulu or recent games (Minecraft does work, but only with everything turned all the way down, and even then it's still jerky). I know I'm going to need to replace it in the next year or two (probably with this if I want to continue the whole "does everything" schtick), but it's still one of the first things to go in my bag when I have to head out. Why? Versatility. I can hook it to anything, troubleshoot/test (just about) anything, and it's been totally relevant (and reliable) for almost 10 years now. It may not pack the horsepower inside the box of today's i7's, but the most powerful processor I bring isn't going to be the one in my bag anyway. ;)

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