[Webcomic] PVP Discussion


Staff member
Broken image there, Gusto.

Also, about Kurtz's latest rant about the Reuben awards and the National Cartoonist Assocation. Did anyone else expect him to end the rant with the announcement of his own cartooning group, and a "Nyah, nyah, and you can't join!" to the NCA?
Also, about Kurtz's latest rant about the Reuben awards and the National Cartoonist Assocation. Did anyone else expect him to end the rant with the announcement of his own cartooning group, and a "Nyah, nyah, and you can't join!" to the NCA?
Honestly... isn't the reason he doesn't get invited mostly his fault? He IS poison.
Broken image there, Gusto.

Also, about Kurtz's latest rant about the Reuben awards and the National Cartoonist Assocation. Did anyone else expect him to end the rant with the announcement of his own cartooning group, and a "Nyah, nyah, and you can't join!" to the NCA?
A group of evil cartoonists hellbent on world take over. The SCS-Sinister Cartoonists Society. It would be the Legion of Doom to the NCA.
Honestly... isn't the reason he doesn't get invited mostly his fault? He IS poison.
Read the rant and Friday's comic together. He's the Francis in this situation, acting like a child. And I don't think anyone's going to be able to to pull him out of his self-inflicted death spiral. Unless Gabe & Tycho tell him he can't hang out with them anymore.

It's going to take more of a personal shock than anyone's been able to provide to make him change, assuming he ever will be able to change.
A group of evil cartoonists hellbent on world take over. The SCS-Sinister Cartoonists Society. It would be the Legion of Doom to the NCA.
Or the:

Sounds more classy because its acronym means something used by artists. Which means they're totally better than other wannabe evil cartoonist guilds. Those guys draw for newspapers and stuff.
Or the:

Sounds more classy because its acronym means something used by artists. Which means they're totally better than other wannabe evil cartoonist guilds. Those guys draw for newspapers and stuff.
I like it. Do you have an application?
Only one thing could possibly get his attention about his screwups: a massive coronary.

(Notice I didn't necessarily mean him.)
If you read his rant it appears he was only wanting to join because of his father. It was important to him so Scott wanted to please. After years of bending over backwards to appease the NCA he finally got fed up with them. I would have to side with Scott on this one. It's pretty classless to uninvite someone to a gathering. It's not like they didn't know who Scott was prior to the invitation or where he stood on print versus web. And I don't think he's been too vocal on the demise of print comics in the past few months. Nothing to the extend that would evoke an uninvite. Scott's being doing just fine without the support of the NCA up to this point and honestly, they are a sinking ship. It would make sense to extend their reach to web cartoonists but they want to ignore the future and it will be their demise. Team Scotty here.
Uninviting someone is a rather embarrassing faux paus, but I don't know that you can really hang that on the NCS. From Scott's rant, it sounds like a third party without explicit authority to do so made the invitation, with the (by his own admission) expected results. Scott may have made overtures to the NCS, but calling them out for not showing him any professional respect while simultaneously calling them a bunch of old bastards... come on.

The man has spent the better part of a decade trashing guys and reveling in their economic misfortunes, and when he decides that maybe he wants to be part of their little club again he thinks a couple apologies will make it all better? And then when it doesn't, he goes right back to being insulting. Yeah, way to be sincere with those apologies, Scott. I admire the man's abilities, but his antics leave much to be desired.


Staff member
Scott's being doing just fine without the support of the NCA up to this point and honestly, they are a sinking ship. It would make sense to extend their reach to web cartoonists but they want to ignore the future and it will be their demise. Team Scotty here.
I think Bill Amend made a good point:
@pvponline It's also one thing to say "I give up" and quite another to call people bastards.

It's pretty classless to uninvite someone to a gathering.
There's a difference between "we'd like you to come, I'll see if we can get you a spot" and "here's your invitation".

Another tweet from Bill Amend
@pvponline My understanding is Universal can't spare the slot this year because they just absorbed United. Disappointing, but not an FU.

This is part of the reason that Kurtz is viewed as so toxic. He blows up and writes very hurtful rants based on his perception of events, and doesn't even look at the long term effects. If he wants to be viewed as a professional in the industry, then he's going to need to deal with these things with a little diplomacy and grace. Stop getting banned from cartoonist forums. Stop calling people bastards because he doesn't get the privelages he thinks he deserves. If he wants to play with the big boys and be treated like an adult, then he's going to have to swallow his pride sometimes and accept insult without ranting about it.


Staff member
More from Bill Amend:
"Dave Kellett, Randall Munroe and Kate Beaton are doing a webcomics panel at the Reubens this year. Odd he left that out."

Yeah, those elitist NCS bastards, they never let webcomic artists anywhere near them. :rolleyes:

Kurtz Tweets
"every year I'm told 'next year' and to 'play nice' by people like Bill. I'm done being the butt of this joke."

Has there been an entire year where Kurtz has played nice? Not to my memory. Seems he gets in trouble for railing against the print industry at least every few months.

Damn, he really needs to learn to not put everything on Twitter. Seriously, a lot of this shit he's talking needs to go to direct messages or email, or not be said at all. While most web cartoonists are used to having their private business regularly aired on the internet, I don't think that's the case for print cartoonists, or most other professions for that matter. Kurtz has apparently spent so much time wrapped up in the internet that he has no perception of proper decorum when dealing with people who aren't internet celebrities. He's embarassing himself and others, it's no wonder that there are a number of members of the NCS that don't want to get dragged into this.

EDIT: Makes me wonder about this internet generation in general. The line between private and public life is so blurred for many that I wonder how big the explosion is going to have to be before we realize that it's not best to broadcast everything about our lives all the time.
I look at stuff like this, and I think that even if Khoo took an extended leave of absence from PA to kick Kurtz into shape, there's simply nothing he could do that would stick and make Kurtz realize it's not just what you say, it's how and when you say it. Even the PA guys occasionally get that one wrong, despite Khoo, and Kurtz is a little too willing to dive into the trenches and start shooting.
Pez, thanks for the post. Seems like I had one side of the story. Getting the whole story makes Scott seem petty and supports what the president of the NCS said when he called Scott toxic. Scott needs to remove his post and pretend like it never happened.
He mentions that someone told him to write a brief or essay to the NCS, to argue his case or something like that, right?

He said he started writing it... but then thought it was a waste of time and wouldn't help anything?

I just... Huh?

Philosopher B.

I will never cease to be mildly amused by his seesawing between wanting to be the cool rebel motherfucker who kills newspapers and doesn't give a single fuck (except to moonwalk away with his Internet monies), and the professional, respected cartoonist hobnobbing with all the white-haired dudes he grew up reading.

billamend: @IAmRoot Dave Kellett, Randall Munroe and Kate Beaton are doing a webcomics panel at the Reubens this year. Odd he left that out.

pvponline: @billamend @iamroot Good for them. They are better politically than I'll ever be. Good luck to them. I'm done with that lot.

Well, uh, maybe if he played nice, nice things might happen.


Staff member
The best part? His last lines.

So I’m putting a check next to the NCS on my bucket list. I’m not erasing it or redacting it. I’m marking a line through it. Completed. Done. Accomplished. I can’t join the NCS, but maybe getting over that fact is just as important. I didn’t make the cut. I’ve dealt with it and I’ve moved on. Mark it off. Just so long as it’s not picking at the corner of my mind, wasting cycles that could be spent on more important endeavors.

Like Monday’s update.
Written on the 26th. Monday's update is not there yet.
I loved his latest tweet on the subject:

Kurtz said:
"fuck their tree house. Your stuff lives in the cloud. let's piss on the tree house." - My bro, thinking he needs to cheer me up. #loveyabro
Gee, why don't they like you Scott? You're just so classy.
Whoever said it a couple pages ago (sry, too lazy) had it - the fact that this particular strip is up while this is going down is a little too surreal.
Holy fuck. My message to Kurtz: You're a goddamn cartoonist. Stop acting like what you do will cure cancer, you big fucking baby. You're not as important as you think you are.

You know, maybe it’s good that the NCS dies out. Maybe it’s important. Maybe that’s my contribution to the history of the medium that provides me my livelihood. That I belong not to the group the defined the artform, but the group the blew it up. That dismantled it and started over. Maybe that’s more important. Maybe that’s my ultimate contribution. Maybe I am the poison that a former NCS president insisted I am. That I’m the guy who championed the model that screwed everyone over. Forget the fact that none of that is true.



Added at: 18:36