Take my app! Please!

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Well, surprise, surprise, Apple approved my app. You can see it by searching for "Reactors", or simply go here:


I can't pay for good reviews, but if you are willing and able, I would appreciate a review and star rating. It's only a buck right now, but it'll go up once I drop the next version, and as the info says you'll find that a portion of your sale will go to the Japan earthquake and pacific tsunami fund of the red cross. Hopefully a buck isn't that much...

If you really want a copy, but you don't want to pay for it, pm me and I'll send you a coupon code for a free copy.

I'm also still beta testing the latest version, so if you want to help me out, see below for how to help me beta test the next version, which also results in you having a working copy for free.


I just finished my first app. Woohoo! I also submitted it out of impatience, having only done minor testing on the iPhone 3GS and iPad 1 3G that I have. I fully expect my app to be thrown back in my face (ie, rejected by Apple), but in the meantime I could really use some help figuring out ways to break it!

If you have an iOS device (iPhone, iPad, iPod touch) and want to have a handy-dandy app that will promote fear mongering, er, I mean will help you find out the Nuclear Power Reactor that is closest to you, including pictures, info about the plant and reactors, satellite view, etc, then go here:


It should be pretty straightforward, and won't require you attaching your device to the computer - it's all done via wireless.

You have to register before I can make the build, though, so try to register before Monday if you want to break my app.

I can't give you anything in return (no budget at the moment) but I should be able to give you a gift code for the app once it's officially listed in the app store.

You can view the page I tossed up about it, including screenshots, here:

I may take a look at it a little later in the weekend.

I'm looking at App development myself but mainly for in-house educational purposes (running experiments, etc.) If I become comfortable programming for the iPad I might expand to develop the occasional App for the iTunes store. I have a couple of questions, though:

1.) Which language to you program in, presumably while using the XCode environment?
2.) Did you pay for the $99 iOS developer subscription? I have the impression you have to do that if you are submitting an App for consideration in the iTunes store.
3.) Can you run a test in an iPad (or iPhone) emulation? I am considering just downloading XCode for $5 to begin familiarizing myself and writing my first couple apps. If I can run an effective test on my laptop then I will wait until I start my new job in the fall and get the educational subscription for iOS development.

That's all I can think to ask right now. If you have any other tips to offer about app development, I'm all ears!
Added at: 06:50
Why does your screenshot page say there are 66 nuclear reactors? I though there were 104.
1.) Which language to you program in, presumably while using the XCode environment?
Most apps are programmed in Objective-C, though a lot of games (especially those using OpenGL) are C++. You can use Objective-C, C++, and C, though you will have to understand and deal with at least a little Objective-C to deal with the user interface and other elements of iOS. I find it's not difficult to understand and use, but like anything else it takes time.

2.) Did you pay for the $99 iOS developer subscription? I have the impression you have to do that if you are submitting an App for consideration in the iTunes store.
Yes, if you want to run your app on a real iPhone or iPad, or you want to submit it to the app store, or you want to distribute it yourself (ad-hoc - up to 100 other people), then you have to pay $99.

3.) Can you run a test in an iPad (or iPhone) emulation? I am considering just downloading XCode for $5 to begin familiarizing myself and writing my first couple apps. If I can run an effective test on my laptop then I will wait until I start my new job in the fall and get the educational subscription for iOS development.
You can develop and test on the iphone/iPad emulator without buying the $99 program. You won't be able to test on real hardware, but for simple applications and just testing and learning it's an easy way to figure out if it's worth the cost.

Don't go to far into developing a significant app without on-deivce testing though - the emulators are imperfect. Notably the code runs at native speed on the mac, so it is a lot faster on the emulator than on the real device. You can test some of the functionality (sound, location, etc) but other functionality isn't easy to test (accelerometer, gyroscope, etc).

But I know a lot of people develop completely on the simulator, get their dev account, and spend a week on it, then publish it. It seems to work out fine.

That's all I can think to ask right now. If you have any other tips to offer about app development, I'm all ears!
It's fun, but like anything else you'll be hitting your head against a wall occasionally. Stackoverflow is your friend. I've also found the safari online book subscription to be invaluable for this and a few other endeavors. I have access to all the latest tech books, and as unfortunately the on line resources haven't been as useful or comprehensive as the books. I'm still getting used to how apple documents their stuff, but it's pretty good, and in theory everything needed is there, it's just that I find it hard to dig in to.

Why does your screenshot page say there are 66 nuclear reactors? I though there were 104.
I'll review it. There are 66 nuclear plants, and 104 nuclear power reactors. There are another several dozen research reactors as well, but they aren't included in this app yet.
I signed up! Both the iPhone 3G and the iPad.

How do you like using TestFlight? I hadn't really looked into Beta Testing yet (I'm nowhere near that point), but it looks like something that will be very useful.

Also, I concur on getting a Safari Online account. It's well worth it!

I've used testflight on the tester's end for a friend, but haven't tried it from the developer's end yet. This next week should be quite instructive, and I'll let you all know what my experience is. I imagine it's not all kittens and roses, but anything has got to be better than sending out instructions on how people can load adhoc profiles and apps on their devices using itunes.


Staff member
Oo, cool! I'm writing a grant to dev some iPad software under the NSF TUES program right now. I want to develop a master/slave system for classroom use. That is, a master instructor iPad and semi-autonomous student iPads using Bonjour. I've been researching Objective-C. How did you find it? I developed some Cocoa apps a while back, and I just couldn't get into the syntax. I have been writing C and C++ for years, so maybe it's just a matter of comfort.
I'll take a look on the ipad in a bit but in clear daylight I can see the nearest reactor and I've flown a plane through the smoke from that one. No, not the restricted airspace you would think it is. The additional information though sounds really cool!
Oo, cool! I'm writing a grant to dev some iPad software under the NSF TUES program right now. I want to develop a master/slave system for classroom use. That is, a master instructor iPad and semi-autonomous student iPads using Bonjour. I've been researching Objective-C. How did you find it? I developed some Cocoa apps a while back, and I just couldn't get into the syntax. I have been writing C and C++ for years, so maybe it's just a matter of comfort.
It's an odd syntax, and it does take getting used to, but its not bad. To some degree it's similarr to trying to learn reverse polish notation (RPN, used on many older HP calculators) if you've been using TI calculators with algebraic notation. It's the sort of thing I tend to learn only by forcing myself to program and struggle through all the syntax and runtime errors, and this app got me quite far along that path.

Understanding the basics of classes in objective c is easier than learning how cocoa works, and all the controls, nibs, etc. So there's more of a learning curve than it was moving from c to c++, for instance.

I'll take a look on the ipad in a bit but in clear daylight I can see the nearest reactor and I've flown a plane through the smoke from that one. No, not the restricted airspace you would think it is. The additional information though sounds really cool!
Nice! I was surprised, after 9/11, to see just how much information was available. It was interesting to see that a few plants near New York have blurred out features on google maps, so there is some concern. It was also neat to see how many different cooling methods the different plants use. I didn't count, but it seems like fewer than half use the cooling towers most people associate with nuclear power plants.

Out of all the plants, though, I think the Palo Verde plant in winters burg, AZ looks the coolest. Three reactors in an arc, with three short stubby cooling towers each. The overhead view just looks neat. In fact, now that I think about it, I probably should have used that one for the screen shots. The one I did use, Braidwood, is pretty nice looking as well, though.

If you're going to have a huge complex of industrial buildings, you might as well make them look nice.
I was surprised as well at how much was available and at some of the places you can fly, though if you cross a certain green line on your map while pointed toward Washington DC there are a few interceptors prepping for launch before you even get your warning. It can be amazing how different places look from the air. We've got some traditional cooling towers here. Looking forward to getting a look at the Palo Verde plant and that arc!
Alright, the first beta is up. I had to exclude those who registered for the beta but didn't register their device, but I'll release another one tomorrow (with no changes) that will include anyone who registers themselves and their device by tonight.

Please give me feedback - 734-418-8418, email at adavis@ubasics.com or just reply in this thread or direct message me here.
I noticed that the Donald C. Cook reactor in Benton Harbor, MI, is second to last in the re-ordered list (with reactors from Florida and California), whereas Palisades and Fermi are towards the middle (where they should be relative to my location).

Otherwise, everything else looks fine. The text is easy to read and the photos load quickly.


Staff member
I zoomed in on Fort Calhoun here in Nebraska. Once I'd zoomed as far as I could it kicked me out of the app.
I got kicked out once when after looking at the reactor closest to me I hit to back button to look at a different one, it kicked me out, did it again and it worked fine so idk?
Thanks to everyone who tested it! I fixed the two bugs you guys found (donald c cook was given the location of the diablo canyon plant, and the crashing bug) and another bug someone else found, which was that once you denied location services, it wouldn't use them, but it also wouldn't tell you why the crosshairs button wasn't doing anything. Now if you've disabled location services and you press the crosshairs, it reminds you to change your device settings to allow it.

Thanks again, I've put out another build and would really appreciate more testing if you have time!
Can get the program to crag on command. Open it up and select any nuke plant you want then hit the home button the close the program. Open the program back up and it will bring you to the nuke plant u were looking at hit the top left button to take you back to the main page and the program will crash. Hope this helps!
Thanks for the new bug! I fixed it in this latest build (made available earlier today) and changed a few other things that should make the app a little nicer.
Apple approved my first (buggy) version, so you can buy it right now at the app store. I've updated my first post at the beginning of this thread with more details on how to get it, and how to get a free copy if it's too expensive, and you really want to leave me a review.

I won't be promoting it heavily until I get the next (bug fixed) version out, but feel free to spread the news to people you think might be interested in it.
bought it but it doesn't seem to be taking my review.. I 5 stared it, but it's not showing up on the ratings, weird
Whenever I leave a review, it always seems to take several minutes, if not longer, for the review to show up. They don't show the app star rating until many people rate it, but once your review shows up your star rating will show alongside it.

Thank you so much!
The first time I did it I thought I was doing something wrong. I'm still not sure if my first few reviews ever made it through. It's certainly confusing...
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