We 'ave found a witch. May we burn her?

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From the article:
He said that her former mentor in on-the-job training, officer Mary Bagnoli, reported that she was afraid of Smith because she was a witch who practiced witchcraft. She accused Smith of following her on the highway one snowy evening after work and casting a spell on the heater of her car, causing it not to work.
...Smith was fired, but this psycho who thinks people are casting spells on her heater is allowed to work in an important security position?

And then other stuff:

She said one shift supervisor told another, “She's going to put a hex on me.”
Are you shitting me? I have to believe these people were saying this stuff as harassment or making fun of her, because the alternative, that adults able to get jobs supervising security personnel, believe old women are doing magic and casting hexes on them, is a far more frightening threat to this country than the people sneaking shit onto airplanes.

So I guess the question is, was she fired because of her religion, or fired for pointing out gaps in TSA's flimsy, piss-poor security? Or both? Neither side of that looks good for TSA, but that they have so many morons working for them doesn't look good either.
What a bunch of idiots. That article just reinforces the commonly held belief that TSA is a haven for losers and morons.
I'm not convinced that the firing was due to her religion. I have no doubt that she was harassed due to her religion, and I have no doubt that it played some part in her termination, but I'm getting a very strong "everyone is against me, and I'm doing everything perfectly, so there's no way it could be my fault" from how she represents herself. The minor infractions piled up, and she was still in her probationary period, where they can pretty much fire you for spitting in the wind if they want.

Of course there's not enough information in the article to make heads nor tails of it, and it's only being published because of the claims that it's Wiccan persecution. It wouldn't get a single column inch if it were Judaism, Christian, or even Muslim.

Still, she's an absolute idiot for thinking that she can represent herself at her initial hearing. Maybe she's the kind of person that tries to fix her own car before breaking it worse and then having it towed to the shop, hoping the mechanic can fix it.

Even if there was no connection between her firing and her beliefs, she could have made easy money with the un addresed harassment while on the job, and unpaid bonuses, etc. With the situation as it is, it would have been a fool lawyer that wouldn't take it up for a sweet taxpayer funded payday based on religious intolerance.
Why do witches burn?

Heh, i just re-watched the movie sunday night because the gf of one of my mates hadn't seen it (and she's a channer)...
So can we fire the hell out of the supervisor, hire her back and save the money that the federal government is going to lose in a lawsuit?

Cause the only thing that would keep this from turning into a big win for her would be the public ignorance about Wicca.
I wonder how much criticism she actually filed against various supervisors (the article really only mentions that part as an afterthought). Unless you're a young-gun-new-blood manager brought in to shake things up, that's a dangerous thing for a probationary employee to do, especially one who is not perfect themselves.
Damn, my car heater just stopped working suddenly the other day... do you think it was a witch casting a hex on my car? Man... what's the world coming to?
I'm going to cast a spell on all of y'all. Now, where's my wand? Let's see... I know it's around here somewhere. Oh hell, I'll just use this pencil.

Abracapocus! Hocuscadabra!
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