The return of Calvin and Hobbes!!!! Not really-

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Yeah, I never heard of him and doubt anyone really cares but I was bored and thought I'd share. I'm fans of a lot of Marvel and DC artists on my facebook page and apparently this guy has been taking their work, removing the watermark and posting it as his own. When someone catches him he defriends them.

Philosopher B.

This guy is as hilarious as he is sad. I mean, it's one thing to claim you worked on a Batman cover somewhere sometime, but Calvin and freaking Hobbes? LMAO!

What a shit con man.
Oh shit, he actually used calvin and hobbes as a fake credit? How dumb can the guy be?

How long before he tries to claim the mona lisa as his original work?
Bill Waterson's an asshole. I totally support this man.
Yeah, that fucking recluse who's never made a huge deal about his work. Fucking dick. Who does he think he is?

Jim Davis is the real face of cartooning. Frequently in the public eye, merchandising the living hell out of his creation, continuing it long after he'd lost interest/stopped working on it himself. Yeah baby.

If you took the above seriously, seek help.
Yeah, that fucking recluse who's never made a huge deal about his work. Fucking dick. Who does he think he is?

Jim Davis is the real face of cartooning. Frequently in the public eye, merchandising the living hell out of his creation, continuing it long after he'd lost interest/stopped working on it himself. Yeah baby.

If you took the above seriously, seek help.
To be fair to Jim Davis, he absolutely hates Garfield and doesn't really hide it. Which is kind of awesome.
To be fair to Jim Davis, he absolutely hates Garfield and doesn't really hide it. Which is kind of awesome.
As much as I would like to hate Jim Davis for being a sellout, he makes a TON of money from it. And I can respect that.

I know I'd do the exact same thing given the chance.

Philosopher B.

Did I miss something re B. Watterson? 'Cause last I checked, reclusive-artist-who-ended-his-strip-before-it-either-got-stale-or-taken-over-by-committee asshole. Unless, like, I'm going by a different definish.
Added at: 08:26
Also, going back to the original tippity-topic, the most disturbing thing about this whole situash isn't even that this Rob Granola-who's-it claimed to be working on Calvin & Hobbes, but that he was apparently going to conventions and selling shit for like years (one commenter in the OP's link said 15)! I guess being retardedly brash and delusional worked for the dude, up to a point.


Staff member
There's not a dang thing wrong with Watterson. He's got a hell of a lot of integrity to not totally cash out on C&H. The worst I heard about him was that we wasn't crazy about webcomics - but he made his living off daily print, and that's his opinion; he didn't bash anybody, so you gotta respect that.

From what I heard, Watterson is retired and happy about it. He put a hell of a lot of work into his comic, did a fantastic job, and those print volumes will be read and treasured for generations to come. I've seen that middle school kids today (who are far too young to have seen it in a newspaper) are reading those volumes, and love it.

Methinks I detected some internet sarcasm in Mathias post - I don't think he was really bashing Watterson.
I thought a smiley face with a STFU was light-hearted enough in response. I figured you were just kidding around.
I thought a smiley face with a STFU was light-hearted enough in response. I figured you were just kidding around.
Norris is really the guy who needs to take a chill pill, athough it's not that bad of response either.

Let's all just agree we'd all suck off Bill Watterson, given the chance.
Norris is really the guy who needs to take a chill pill, athough it's not that bad of response either.

Let's all just agree we'd all suck off Bill Watterson, given the chance.
Well, I apologize, but there are people out there who don't like Bill Waterson. Just go to the "It Just Bugs Me" page for C&H on TV Tropes and there are a bunch of people calling him a moron for not merchandising his work, that he's stuck up, etc. Dry humor works best when you're not sounding exactly like people who exist.
Well, I apologize, but there are people out there who don't like Bill Waterson. Just go to the "It Just Bugs Me" page for C&H on TV Tropes and there are a bunch of people calling him a moron for not merchandising his work, that he's stuck up, etc. Dry humor works best when you're not sounding exactly like people who exist.

I bet those same exact people would be first in line to call him a sell-out if he did merchandise it. In all seriousness, he is an artist; he wanted to protect the integrity of his work. I'm pretty sure he still gets a nice fat check for the syndication and book sales of Calvin and Hobbes, and he managed to do that without cheapening his work.

And I got three words for most Tropers: Overly Analytical Wiener.
Not merchandising speaks volumes for Watterson's character. He turned down the opportunity to make millions to save the integrity of his work. And I think that is one reason the strip is remembered so fondly today. A C&H holiday special or Saturday morning cartoon could have ventured into Star Wars episode one territory and nobody wants that.

First, here's more on what happened to the amazing Mr. Granito.

TL;DR version: The last straw came when Granito claimed to have worked with Dwayne McDuffie (who just passed away). That, combined with confirmation from various artists that he was tracing their work and passing it off as his own, lead to a nasty confrontation. After getting ripped a new one on the convention floor at MegaCon, Granito was effectively banned from going to any future conventions.

Gutters did a nice bit today:
This is a guy who befriended Granito, attended conventions with him and also made his website, then felt so sick after finding out he was a fraud.

There's a "Robert Granito is a Fraud" page on facebook, and Granito even went as far as creating a fake facebook account (some made up person all together) to make himself look "legit-o-mite"!

Also, this webcomic is LOL:
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