Yep, I'm finally going to get myself back into comics. I found this really amazing local shop that has alot of heart and great employees. They're the straw that broke the camel's back for me. I want to start buying comics on a weekly basis/have conversations as they are released. As well as help support my local shop.
I'm really interested in getting into DC as I've always been a Marvel fan in the past. Mostly because Marvel really kept everything in one universe/dimension, where DC kind of had like 4-5 Superman or Flashs running around at a time.
I've spent about 2 solid weeks wiki hopping. I started with Green Lantern history and worked my way around the Justice League and Lantern really holds the most interest for me. I was hoping to get some kind of Essential book kind of like the Marvel sides but could really find much.
It was recommended to me to read the three Crisis storylines, in collected editions. Infinite Earths, Identity and Final. I'm more interested in getting caught up with Lantern specifically though and was told to start with the Green Lantern: Rebirth series and work my way from there.
Are there any solid "collected" works I can get my hands on to get me caught up to Brightest Day? What advice do you have for me fellow comic nuts?
I'm really interested in getting into DC as I've always been a Marvel fan in the past. Mostly because Marvel really kept everything in one universe/dimension, where DC kind of had like 4-5 Superman or Flashs running around at a time.
I've spent about 2 solid weeks wiki hopping. I started with Green Lantern history and worked my way around the Justice League and Lantern really holds the most interest for me. I was hoping to get some kind of Essential book kind of like the Marvel sides but could really find much.
It was recommended to me to read the three Crisis storylines, in collected editions. Infinite Earths, Identity and Final. I'm more interested in getting caught up with Lantern specifically though and was told to start with the Green Lantern: Rebirth series and work my way from there.
Are there any solid "collected" works I can get my hands on to get me caught up to Brightest Day? What advice do you have for me fellow comic nuts?