HCGLNS 4th Ed Game: Rise of the Drow

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OK I will give this game table DM'ing a stab.

Game will the last Thursday of every month.
7 PM EST to 11 PM EST

House Rules:
Everyone gets Skill Training: Arcana as a free feat, if you have Arcana as a free class skill you get Skill Focus Arcana instead.
Everyone gets Ritual Casting for free. If your class already gets it for free, you get 2 extra rituals.
You get 1 free magic item of 6th level or less.
You may not play a Gnome.

Starting Setting:
You are on a sailing vessel travelling between countries, starting in the northern hemisphere and journeying south as winter is coming.
This is cool. I had envisioned a game setting like, after the drow had done something terrible from the Underdark, ruling an unholy mess leftover of what they'd destroyed of a kingdom. I also like that there's a specific situation in mind to begin.

But--I thought Doom's games were going to be the alternating, once-a-month. This game may coincide with either that game or Jay's game, since Jay doesn't necessarily take a break the last Thursday of a month. For example, this month, Jay won't be able to DM the 21st, but the last Thursday, the 28th, he will. Are you quitting that game?
The first game can be flexible, but moving forward I'd like to stick with a set date and time.

Also, religion will be simplified in this world, 3 superior gods and six major gods.
As previously discussed, I am VERY interested in joining your game HC. I feel I can learn a lot of finer tips that I can incorporate in my game one day.

What are the race limitations beyond your hated Gnomes? Svirfneblin allowed right? :)

I was considering either using my new wizard or a ranged rogue. :ninja:
Any and all races outside of gnomes are allowed. The realm of your origins is one of abundant magic and embracing of a variety or races and species.

I also use Bennies in my games. For those of you not aware of Bennies, they are a gift for good RP/gamesmenship. They do not carry over from one session to the next, you can have up to three at a time and can redeem them at any time to re-roll any single roll any player makes.
Like I said count me in as either a Ranged Rogue (Striker) or Wizard (Controller) as primary interests. I'm not interested in Defender at all and would rather avoid having to be a Leader but I could myself remotely play either a Bard or a Warlord.
Okay, so the first session is this Thursday?

I like this setting idea. I'll come up with a character within the next day or so. BTW, if you can't host Gametable for one reason or another, it's easy enough for someone else to host and then you control the pogs and stuff like normal. I only say this because whenever we've had someone do DMing on Gametable for the first time, something goes awry.

Which gods are allowed? And it won't be visible on my character sheet, with the added Arcana, but I'll add it to my numbers at the time. I'll consider whether my Pally/Avenger's story should go in, but right now I'm pretty set on him as a backup for Jay's game. I'll think of someone knew and plot-related for this.
If doom's game doesn't get off the ground, I'd be interested. Perusing over the options, if I were to play (and I wouldn't only opt in to one game) I'd try a Shardmind Artificer, I think. That might change as I read up on the artificer further, though.
Added at: 21:49
Bah, nevermind! Leader is covered.
Then I would probably play a serious monk, since I've got that one figured out already. No goofy backstory, but a real lock-in-a-monastery kind of monk.
I don't know if both games are going ahead (I think Jay, Doom, and HC need to have a private conversation so the players aren't getting tossed around like peanut bags), but if they do, you may want to play a different class between each.

(Really, really encouraging Jay, HC, and Doom to talk about schedule stuff. Maybe we'll set up a D&D calendar or something, which I'd be willing to do the updating on once the DMs sort things out, so everyone can know who's in what and when those games are happening.)

And I'll be happy to be the Defender if no one else wants to.
Okay, so the first session is this Thursday?

I like this setting idea. I'll come up with a character within the next day or so. BTW, if you can't host Gametable for one reason or another, it's easy enough for someone else to host and then you control the pogs and stuff like normal. I only say this because whenever we've had someone do DMing on Gametable for the first time, something goes awry.

Which gods are allowed? And it won't be visible on my character sheet, with the added Arcana, but I'll add it to my numbers at the time. I'll consider whether my Pally/Avenger's story should go in, but right now I'm pretty set on him as a backup for Jay's game. I'll think of someone knew and plot-related for this.

(neither good nor evil, but fundamental forces of life)

Realm: TIME
Represented as: FEMALE
Alignment: NEUTRAL
The primordial force that governs the universe, she does not seek power or worshippers. She is pleased by change, but favours neither good nor evil, law nor chaos. She simply exists.

Realm: LIFE
Represented as: MALE
Alignment: NEUTRAL
Primordial force that forces change from the elements. Embodiment of life and growth. Neutral to law and chaos. Controls all spheres of life; wind, storms, growth, seas and forests. Most commonly called Nature.

Realm: DEATH
Represented as: MALE
Alignment: NEUTRAL
Opponent of change, represents the four elements, earth, air, water, fire. Seeks a perfect balance amongst these elements. The force of stagnation and non-growth, neutral in all aspects, also known as Death.


(forged out of the union of various elements, these beings seek to shape the world)

Realm: ORDER
Represented as: MALE
The first born child of SHALM and ALLYTYN, he is the embodiment of all things orderly. Rigid in all aspects he controls all aspects of reality in an orderly fashion. He is partial to natural occurances and is opposed to the chaotic nature of magic. The only one chosen by FROSTMOTHER to mate with, their children the ELVES were a peaceful source of structure merged with nature. Seeking to bring order to the world with the tip of his left pinky finger he created the DWARVEN race.

Represented as: FEMALE
The embodiment of life and SHALM, she is known as Mother of all Life, responsible for the caretaking of all life and all of natures animals. She opposes all that destroy life and the living forests. Often referred to the MOTHER OF ALL, she is the only GOD to mother children. The mother of three children, ELVES and HUMANS through mating with other GODS, and creating the HALFLINGS from her hair, her chosen creatures to defend life on Sheanere.

Realm: CHAOS
Represented as: MALE
The spirit of Chaos and Destruction, opposed to all things orderly and at times nature itself. The third child of SHALM and ALLYTYN , his hatred for his brother LAWGIVER knows no boundaries. In a jealous rage that FROSTMOTHER chose to mate with LAWGIVER willingly and spawn the beautiful race known as ELVES, DRALK took his own feces and created the plaque known as the GOBLINS. They were made with a single minded purpose, to kill all things beautiful.

Realm: EVIL
Represented as: MALE
Alignment: LAWFUL EVIL
The first child of MALKATH and ALLYTYN, cruel, despicable, horrible are words that can describe KYTON on his best of days, for he is all things evil in the world. Cast down from the heavens by his fellow gods for his rape of the FROSTMOTHER, a horrible union that spawned the human race. He seeks to escape his prison by mating with his sisters LILITH and AMBROSIA, for it is said that their child will bring about the end of all that is. To ensure his total victory in the FINAL BATTLE, he has created the horrible race known as DEVILS in his image.

Realm: HATE
Represented as: FEMALE
Raven haired and beautiful beyond words, she is desired the world over by men. Pity these men they don’t know what they wish, for she is the embodiment of spite. Born the second twin with her sister AMBROSIA, she delights in torment and frustration. She is the proponent of hate throughout the world, unable to conceive a child without her sister she formed the creatures called VAMPIRES from her fingernails, her children match her perfectly.

Realm: LOVE
Represented as: FEMALE
A more opposite twin could not be imagined, for all of LILITH’s hatred, AMBROSIA is a creature of love and beauty. The two are complete polar opposites, a fact that ensures the fate of the world for it is said that he who mates both of them will sire children that will rend the world. Needless to say, the sisters choice of companions have never been similar. Using only her laughter AMROSIA created the flighty and humourous creatures known as the fey.
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Solaria Xilsciente, level 1
Eladrin, Bard
Build: Cunning Bard
Bardic Virtue: Virtue of Cunning
Background: Explorer/Guide (Explorer/Guide Benefit)

Str 10, Con 13, Dex 10, Int 17, Wis 8, Cha 19.

Str 10, Con 13, Dex 10, Int 15, Wis 8, Cha 17.

AC: 16 Fort: 12 Reflex: 15 Will: 17
HP: 25 Surges: 8 Surge Value: 6

Streetwise +9, Arcana +13, Diplomacy +9, Religion +8, Bluff +9, History +10

Acrobatics, Dungeoneering, Endurance +1, Heal, Insight, Intimidate +5, Nature +2, Perception, Stealth, Thievery, Athletics

Bard: Ritual Caster
Feat User Choice: Skill Focus (Arcana)
Level 1: Moonbow Dedicate

Bard at-will 1: Cutting Words
Bard at-will 1: Misdirected Mark
Bard encounter 1: Focused Sound
Bard daily 1: Stirring Shout

Ritual Book, Adventurer's Kit, Lyre, Shortbow, Dagger, Cape of the Mountebank +1, Hide Armor
Comprehend Language, Traveler's Chant, Comrades' Succor, Silence
====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======
Count me in then. Thursdays work well enough for me, although my wife will probably miss having me around once a month, as that's one of her few nights off. :)

I'll make a few adjustments to the monk I was working up and just run with it. Human monk, Iron Soul build. I have it on paper since people were using the character builder a lot today, so I'll post details later.


Staff member
HC can have the slot. I was never 100% and HC can give you guys a little more of what you want. No feelings hurt on my end.

I, however, won't join this game. Lets some new people get in, and every now and then I can have a Thursday free to.... listen in or something. XD
Added at: 00:33
Oh, PS: HC has the exact same start-up that I was thinking of. I was going to have you all on a sailing ship. Stupid HC reading my mind.
Cool beans Doom. :)

Count me in as a Wizard. Going to play around with character possibilities the next few days.


I think I might just tweak my Shardmind, make him less evil and take away the evil god worshipping part.
Added at: 02:07
actually, i think i'm gonna go with an Eladrin Tempest Fighter.
I might have a scheduling conflict with last Thursday of the Month If it was last Wednesday, it would be easier. This month my father-in-law is coming to town. I could probably wrangle something, but May I will be in Washington D.C. (arriving Thursday, I think) and in July I'm moving to Oregon at that time. Not sure if there is a possibility of moving it. I actually do have a lot of time on my hands. Just not last Thursdays, apparently.
For a while we can start with the last Tuesday of the month. That would make us starting on April 26th.

Leader - Gusto's Bard
Controller - Jay's Wizard
Striker - MD's Monk
Defender - Rathkor's fighter

So that makes one of each role, so Esc and Far if you want to play can choose any role to play.
I think I'll be back from the conference by May 31st, so that would work. That does fix my July conflict too. Next Tuesday I will have to make sure I can get away with my father-in-law in town but I think it is doable.
How do I add in the bonus feat and skill when going through character creation in the online builder? I've got everything picked out but need to choose a magic item and add in the house-ruled additions.
I'm not sure if the online builder allows for house ruled characters, I can easily duplicate it and make the adjustments for you.
OK, I'll output the dnd4e file as it is. I'll just add in text the magic item I select, then. I'm starting to get a handle on rituals. So if I have the ritual caster feat can I spend some money on a ritual book and rituals to carry with me then? As a monk, I have rather inexpensive things to buy otherwise.
You can take a ritual book for free, and outside of your ki focus monks have very little to buy.

Take 2 rituals to start. Most characters that get it for free start with 2, so those of you getting the feat for free may start with two.

And I encourage you to expand your rituals beyond a paper book with ink, rituals written as tatoos or on sticks are some options.
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